class SynapseRSE

This object is a component of the Synapse object

Public Fields

int Type
unique identifier for this object
int RSE
Integer ID of rse type: FACIL, DEPR, BOTH, NONE
char* name
The name given to this object in the input file
double TAU_DEPR
Value of the tau depression
double TAU_FACIL
value of the tau facilitation

Public Methods

default constructor
SynapseRSE(T_SYN_FD *, Random *)
Constructor used when building from input file
int ReturnType()
Accessor function to get the value in class variable type
int ReturnRSE()
Accessor function to get the RSE type: FACIL, DEPR, BOTH, NONE
double ReturnTauDepr()
Accessor function to get the value of tau depression
double ReturnTauFacil()
Accessor function to get the value of tau facilitation
void SynapseRSEStateSave( FILE * )
Write RSE object to file
void SynapseRSELoad( FILE *, char * )
Load RSE object from file


This object is a component of the Synapse object. It is owned by the Brain, and accessed by the Synapse thru a pointer to the brain. All data and functions are encapsulated This object calculates the Redistribution of Synaptic Efficacy for the Synapse, and provides a basic template for the Synapse object, from which to base certain calculations off of.
int Type
unique identifier for this object

int RSE
Integer ID of rse type: FACIL, DEPR, BOTH, NONE

char* name
The name given to this object in the input file

double TAU_DEPR
Value of the tau depression

double TAU_FACIL
value of the tau facilitation

default constructor

SynapseRSE(T_SYN_FD *, Random *)
Constructor used when building from input file


int ReturnType()
Accessor function to get the value in class variable type

int ReturnRSE()
Accessor function to get the RSE type: FACIL, DEPR, BOTH, NONE

double ReturnTauDepr()
Accessor function to get the value of tau depression

double ReturnTauFacil()
Accessor function to get the value of tau facilitation

void SynapseRSEStateSave( FILE * )
Write RSE object to file

void SynapseRSELoad( FILE *, char * )
Load RSE object from file

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling