makeBrConn (BRAIN *Br, int line, char *fromCol, char *fromLayer, char *fromCell, char *fromCmp, char *toCol, char *toLayer, char *toCell, char *toCmp, char *SynType, double prob, int speed)

Synapse connections made inside a brain definition section


Synapse connections made inside a brain definition section. Connections are made from a source ( Column, Layer, Cell, Compartment ) to a destination ( Column, Layer, Cell, Compartment ).

Br - pointer to a brain parse object
line - the line number of the input file where the synapse connection request was made
fromCol - the source column's name
fromLayer - the source layer's name
fromCell - the source cell's name
fromCmp - the source compartment's name
toCol - the destination column's name
toLayer - the destination layer's name
toCell - the destination cell's name
toCmp - the destination compartments's name
SynType - the connections will be made using the synapse with the name given.
prob - the probability that a synapse will be made between two particular cells
speed - the speed of the connection. Greater speed means less delay in the source sending to the destination.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling