const.h File Reference

#include <OgreVector3.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  FastEcslent


typedef unsigned int FastEcslent::CEntHandle


const Ogre::Vector3 FastEcslent::InvalidLocation (0,-1, 0)


const unsigned int FastEcslent::angleVotingFrequency = 15
const unsigned int FastEcslent::numAngleVotes = 360
const unsigned int FastEcslent::kInvalidHandle = ~0u
const unsigned int FastEcslent::kMaxAABBs = 1024
const float FastEcslent::kInvalidFloat = (float)(~0u)
const int FastEcslent::kMaxDebugLines = 1024
const int FastEcslent::MaxEnts = 1024
const int FastEcslent::MaxGroups = 1024
const int FastEcslent::MaxAspects = 10
const int FastEcslent::MaxCommands = 256
const int FastEcslent::NCircleSegments = 16
const int FastEcslent::GuiSpeedScaler = 1.0
const int FastEcslent::healthLineLength = 100
const float FastEcslent::EPSILON = 0.0001
const int FastEcslent::MaxNeededTypes = 5
const int FastEcslent::MaxEntitiesInQueue = 5
const int FastEcslent::MaxEntityTypesPerBuilding = 5
const int FastEcslent::PerPlayerMaxEnts = 200
const float FastEcslent::MaxMineralFindingDistance = 500
const int FastEcslent::MaxPlayers = 4

Generated on Fri Dec 13 14:54:19 2013 for FastECSLent by  doxygen 1.5.4