Perl Assignment #7:  Regular Expressions


CS 447/647

Spring, 2012



Due: 3/13/12


Read chapter 7 of Learning Perl.  Do exercises 4 and 5.

Read chapter 8 of Learning Perl.  Do exercises 1 and 3.


script assign7.txt

PS1=’$ ‘





Submit assign7.txt via Web Campus


Hands-On Exercise


Add a root cron job to update your system at 2:01 AM each day:

sudo bash

crontab –e  # do not include this in your typescript                           

# m h    dom     mon    dow     command

01  02    *       *      *      apt-get -qq --force-yes upgrade

crontab –l              # You’ll run this again in your script session below


Backup your root filesystem

echo “You found me” > /root/iamlost

apt-get install dump

rm –f /tmp/dump

time dump 0f /tmp/dump /   # /home/dump if /home is a separate partition

# This may take a while depending on how fast your disk is

# You can use the –e or –E flags with a list of inodes to exclude large files .iso .vmdk .exe

# To see the inodes of your large files: find /home -type f -size +90000k -exec ls -i {} \;

# To create a list of inodes of your large files to exclude:

#   find /home -type f -size +90000k -print0 | xargs -0 stat -c %i > /tmp/exclude

# To dump using the exclude list

#   time dump 0fE  /tmp/dump /tmp/exclude /

# See the man pages for details


(Hands-On continued on other side)



Restore /root/iamlost to /tmp/restore

mkdir /tmp/restore

cd /tmp/restore

restore if /tmp/dump # /home/dump if /home is a separate partition

cd /root


add iamlost

ls         # iamlost should now be tagged

ex         # extract

1          # use volume 1

n          # do not set owner/mode



script /tmp/handson7.txt

PS1=’$ ‘

alias ls=ls

cat root/iamlost

crontab -l


Copy a directory using tar.

cd $HOME

mkdir olddir

mkdir newdir

cd olddir

touch abc

touch def

mkdir subdir

# The spacing in the following line is critical

tar cvf - . | (cd ../newdir; tar xf -) # don’t forget the pipe symbol

cd ..

alias ls=ls

ls –l olddir

ls –l newdir

exit       # end script session


Submit handson7.txt to Web Campus