• PA11:PC-3 -- Programming Contest Problems - Round 3

  • Original Notes:

    1. Note: the problem specification says to take the input from a file.
      We are changing this to read from the keyboard and output to standard out.

    2. Assume that the solution takes 10 moves or less.

    3. Do not output the moves, just how many moves.

  • New Notes for this round:

    1. In this lab, a smaller CPU time limit will be enforced. The exact figure is still in question, though it will most likely be between three and five seconds.
    2. Also, you are NOT to output the history of the solution, simply output the minimum number of moves required.
    3. There will be test cases with multiple input. Make sure your output matches the sample output.
    4. A few other changes from the output description:
      • The input states you may assume a maximum of ten vehicles. You may no longer make that assumption, you may assume a maximum of eighteen vehicles.
      • The input states that your vehicle is a car. You may no longer make that assumption. The vehicle which needs to be unjammed may be a car or a truck.

  • Don't forget to properly document your code
    • your grade will appreciate it if your code is documented properly.