CS 302 Data Structures


Every time you have a something returned with a grade, you have the right to question the grading. The process for this is outlined below.

For each item you think was graded incorrectly, you need to do the following:

  • Type out the question/item.
  • Type out what you think is the correct answer
  • Give a convincing paragraph discussion (or more if needed) why your answer should be considered correct.
    • Use citations from the text to substantiate your claims.
    • Discussions of the form "pg. 31 says I am right" are insufficient.
This is to be typed, As are all your other assignments in this class,

This is due the next class after the item was returned.

Challenges turned in after this may be subject to a late penalty of no credit.

Turn your corrected item in with it. In a folder.

Note: For Exams, the challenges are to be turned in with the test corrections. Place them at the front of the folder.

Note: All items turned in in a folder are supposed to have a typed title page at the front of the folder with the remaining items after that.