Using SCP and SSH

Secure Copy Protocol

SCP is the terminal command you want to use when transferring files from your home computer to your CSE account, your ECC account, or any other server that you have access to. Forget your programming homework in the ECC? SCP is here to hel

Use scp to move files to and from a server:

scp source_file dest_file

Move a whole directory:

scp -r source_file dest_file

Secure Shell Hosting

SSH is used to tunnel into a secure server. The layered protocol allows your IP packets to travel through a protected ‘tunnel’ created in the network, so that you have read/write access to parts of a remote server. SSH is the protocol! It allows you to bypass the network firewall, which would otherwise block any incoming packets.

Use ssh in the command line to access your server account:


Create a public key.


To save multiple keys, enter in the desired name for the key on save.

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