Lagoon - Key Mappings

These tables show what key presses in the 3d window do.

Command Keys

F12 quit
r double game speed
f half game speed

Camera Movement - Descent Style

z move forward
x move backwards
a move left
d move right
w move up
s move down
q roll left
e roll right
up pitch down
down pitch up
left yaw left
right yaw right
t double camera movement speed
g half camera movement speed
l lock / unlock camera (toggle watch mode)

Developer Keys

p toggle wireframe terrain
o toggle sky
i toggle grid
u toggle axis
y toggle screen grid
h visualize collision
b toggle wireframe ents (not ported to new ent system)
v display culling octree

Console Keys

esc toggle console
F1 sel first child
F2 sel second child
F3 sel third child
F4 sel ..
F5 sumarize what is currently selected