

  1. The coolest move of the tournament: In our first match against the team which would eventually take #1 they gathered a large number of balls right away and came bearing down on the center. Our robot, unable to get a ball, but seeming to sense the opponent turned towards the opponent abruptly and charged straight at it just as it approach the hole. Not only did it push it away from the hole, turning it away so it wandered off, but because our pincers were less wide then their assembly and the contact was head on most of our robot slipped into their ball collection area. As our robot backed off, our barrier grabbed a number of balls, taking two with us and throwing the rest out across the field. The cheers from the crowd were awesome.
  2. The most starts of any robot - By tying every single game, repeatedly...and causing enough damage to opposing robots to force a restart on several occasions, and our strange ability to actually win one round our robot got to start more rounds then any other.


  1. Our eventual defeat.
  2. The saddest our robot, unable to sense the circle, squared off against the robot with the broken sensors which contantly got stuck in the corner, quickly became an effort in futile hope that our sensors would work.
  3. Our robot seemed rather confused and useless most of the time, randomly bouncing around doing nothing, rarely making anything approaching a decent delivery.
  4. Problems with the optosensors abounded, they were placed in too sensitive an area, making them frequently dislocated by contact. If we had taped them we would have performed significantly better.
