List of work items - Bulba

  1. windows
    1. port abra to windows
  2. scale
    1. determine which scale cove uses
    2. convert everything to metric
    3. use cove physics parameters
  3. world
    1. additional weapons
      1. 5inch gun - ddg51
      2. rpg
      3. suicide blast
    2. improve weapon graphics
    3. sinking animation
    4. subsystems / multiple attack locations
  4. documentation
    1. high level go doc
    2. sp doc


item task completion

Prioritized List

item task completion
  improve weapon graphics  
  sinking animation  
  additional weapons  


item task completion
(1) windows  
(11.1) high level go doc  

What this gets us


Long Term Todos

  1. Wrap the nebala window into a wxWidget
  2. Revamp EVA
    1. named spaced var classes versus one generic layered inheritence for ent
    2. consider putting entity as the base class
      1. aspects attach myvars to themselves