Response to GPA questions

1.Do graduates fill out a standard form for an application?

You should know by looking at the OISS and Grad school web pages. In any case, there are two kinds of forms. One for international students, and one for US students.

2.The requirements state that the graduate committee must be able to evaluate applications simultaneously, does this mean that they can view two different applications at the same time for two different people or view two different applications that were submitted by the same student?

Two members of the graduate committee should simultaneously be able to evaluate a potential student's application.

3.Does all of the information of the application need to be entered and tracked?

Both the OISS and Grad school enter and track information, it would be best to get it from their systems, if possible. However, it is also possible for this information to be manually entered. I leave this decision to your group. If you ask me to make the decision - enter the data manually.

4.Faculty viewing student?s progress - What progress does the faculty need to view? Do they need to know the time that the graduate has been a student, the grades the graduate has received, or just the classes that the graduate has taken?

All of the above. The graduate advisement form contains all the information needed.

5.FAQ? Do we need to maintain this portion and check for duplicate questions?


6.Danger of dismissal? Will the core classes that are required for a particular student all be entered when the application is received? Who will update this information and check it?

Yes. Management assistants and/or the Graduate Director

7.Should there be a separate portion for contact information that people can use when they notice something has been posted incorrectly?

Restate. This question is ambiguous

8.When someone is on danger of dismissal should the student be notified also?

Bad grammar.
Generate an electronic form letter and notify the graduate director. The student will then be notified by the graduate director.

9.Who should be able to edit the application information?

What information? Graduate director, faculty, management assistants

10.Should the applicants have to fill out online applications or should GP members enter a hard copy of information into the database?

What is the GP? Currently the department gets complete hardcopy applications from the OISS and graduate school.

11.What kind of data are applicants restricted to viewing on the web? What can and can?t be seen by them?

Applicants can track status. Who has their application ? Were they admitted or not?

12.What is an applicant?s ?status?? Is it the information of their application or the position in the evaluation process?

1) Received/Not Received/Processed 2) Admitted/Rejected/Being evaluated

13.Should each member of the committee and staff have separate user ID and passwords to access data?


14.Shouldn?t there be a way to insure that the questions and answers are validated before they are posted on the FAQ page?

Yes. Do what you can.

What if another person besides a committee member sends email to What if there are identical copies?

Ignore. No duplicates.

15.Should student?s advisors be automatically notified of poor progress? What grades or GPA will be considered poor progress?

Yes. No. :-) Notify graduate director. Graduate director will notify student and advisor.
If a student's grade is less than 3.0 (B) in a course or if GPA less than 3.0.

16.How often should progress be evaluated?

How often are grades given out? Every semester.

17.Does grad committee members convey their decision on application to the head in graduate committee or final decision?

Bad grammar.
Who is head? Ambiguous question, restate.

18.Can graduate director also be able to add to the FAQ on graduate program web page?

Graduate director is a member of the graduate commitee. Members of the graduate committee should be able to add to the FAQ.

19.Does all faculty should be able to view student?s program or his particular student?s advisor and graduate director be sufficient?

Bad grammar.
Any member of the faculty.

20.Why are core courses specially being mentioned in requirements? Is it that we doesn?t need to check the grades for other courses?

Bad grammar.
Less than a B in any core course is grounds for dismissal from the program.

21.Are there any other factors for a student being in the danger of dismissal other than GPA requirement of 3.0?

Bad grammar.

22.Does the applicant need to be given a particular number for the application being submitted for further references?

Ambiguous question
Implementation dependent

23.Does the application need to be reviewed by graduate director even if it is rejected by graduate committee?

Answered in GPA requirements description.

Sushil Louis
Last modified: Thu Sep 20 12:26:25 PDT 2001