• Increment statement

    - Increases the value of a variable by one


    num++; is equivalent to num=num+1; (if num=20, then num++; will result in num=21)

    - Both statements behave in the same way when they are used to increment a variable in a separate statement

    - If we use them in the middle of a larger expression (e.g., alpha=num++ * 3) they can yield different results

  • Decrement statement

    - Decreases the value of a variable by one


    num--; is equivalent to num=num-1; (if num=20, then num--; will result in num=19)

    - Both statements behave in the same way when they are used to increment a variable in a separate statement

    - If we use them in the middle of a larger expression (e.g., alpha=num-- * 3f1 they can yield different results

  • Output statement

    - It instructs the computer to print a message or the value of an expression on the screen

    cout << ExprOrString ... ;

    - As the syntax template shows, the insertion operator (<<) can appear several times in a single cout1

    - Example

    cout << "The sum is " << sum;

    or equivalently

    cout << "The sum is ";
    cout << sum;

    - Strings must always be enclosed in double quotes (" ")

    - More examples

    <Table from page 69)>

    - To instruct the computer to print something on a separate line, we must use the dentifier endl (i.e., end of line)

    - Examples

    cout << "Hi";
    cout << "there";

    will print:

    cout << "Hi" << endl;
    cout << "there";

    will print:

    Debugging your program

    <Figure 2-6, page 80)

    Recommended exercises

    - All Quick Check excersices (pages 85,86)

    - Excersices 3 (page 88), 5, 6, 10 (page 89), 11 (page 90)