Software Engineering Lab (SOELA) at UNR

Director: Dr. Sergiu Dascalu

SOELA Team (as of July 2013)

Back row, from left to right: Vamsi Raju (Master student), Eric Fritzinger (software engineer and CSE faculty), Andy Dittrich (Master of Science 2012, now software engineer at Youtube - Google, Mountainview, CA), Sergiu Dascalu (Professor, CSE UNR), Qiping Yan (PhD candidate) and Ivan Gibbs (PhD candidate). Front row, from left to right: Saul Reed (PhD candidate), Alex Redei (PhD student, completing his MS at this time), Sohei Okamoto (PhD 2011, former postdoc, now software engineer with LoadIQ, Reno, NV), Likhitha Ravi (PhD candidate), and Marco Antonio Marques Pinheiro (undergraduate research assistant, visiting from University of Brasilia, Brazil). Missing from this photo: Michael McMahon (database architect), and Jigar Patel (PhD candidate).

In the SOELA, located in SEM 205, research is focused on several areas of software engineering:
In addition, SOELA serves as research lab for several topics on human-computer interaction:
SOELA is equipped to participate in a broad range of multidisciplinary software-intensive research projects, has work places for up to 12 graduate and undergraduate research assistants, and offers facilities for students working on their final year Senior Projects in Computer Science and Engineering.

Funding for SOELA and its projects has been received from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the College of Engineering, the Office of the Provost of the University of Nevada, Reno, as well as from other intramural (e.g., UNR Junior Faculty Research Awards, UNR International Activities Grant, Instructional Enhancement Grants, Undergraduate Research Awards) and extramural sources (DoD/ONR, NSF, NASA, The National Institute for Systems Test and Productivity, Quadrant One, Inc. Arlington, VA, the University of South Florida/SPAWAR, Bally Technologies, Reno, NV, General Electric, Minden, NV, and PC Doctor, Reno, NV).

A complete list of funded projects developed in SOELA is available in Sergiu Dascalu’s CV.