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00001 #include <boost/spirit/core.hpp>
00002 #include <boost/spirit/actor/push_back_actor.hpp>
00004 #include "ast.h"
00005 #include "ifprintf.h"
00007 using namespace std;
00008 using namespace boost::spirit;
00009 using namespace AST;
00013 vector<Node*> stack_node;                                                                                      
00014 vector<Node*> stack_wrapped_node;                                                                              
00015 vector<List*>         stack_list_nodes;                                                                        
00016 string constant_type, constant_value;                                                                          
00017 vector<AttributeProxy*> stack_attribute_proxy;                                                                 
00018 vector<Node*> stack_attribute_value;                                                                           
00021 void pop_stack_node(){
00022     stack_node.pop_back();
00023 }
00024 void pop_stack_wrapped_nodes(){
00025     stack_wrapped_node.pop_back();
00026 }
00027 void pop_stack_list_nodes(){
00028     stack_list_nodes.pop_back();
00029 }
00030 void pop_stack_attribute_proxy(){
00031     delete stack_attribute_proxy.back();
00032     stack_attribute_proxy.pop_back();
00033 }
00034 void pop_stack_attribute_value(){
00035     stack_attribute_value.pop_back();
00036 }
00038 #define create_create_node_func(CLASSNAME) \
00039     struct Creator_##CLASSNAME {\
00040         static Node* create() { return new CLASSNAME(); }\
00041     };\
00042     create_node_funcs[#CLASSNAME] = Creator_##CLASSNAME::create;
00044 typedef Node* (*create_node_func)(void);
00045 static map<string, create_node_func> create_create_node_funcs(){                                               
00046     printf("create_create_node_funcs\n");
00047     map<string, create_node_func> create_node_funcs;
00048     create_create_node_func(Program);
00049     create_create_node_func(If);
00050     create_create_node_func(Op_Binary);
00051     create_create_node_func(Identifier);
00052     create_create_node_func(Constant);
00053     create_create_node_func(FunctionCall);
00054     return create_node_funcs;
00055 }
00056 static map<string, create_node_func> create_node_funcs = create_create_node_funcs();                           
00059 void start_node(char const* start, char const* end){
00060     string str(start, end);
00061     printf("start_node:%s\n", str.c_str());
00062     create_node_func func = create_node_funcs[str];
00063     assert(func && "undefined function for some type");
00064     Node* n = func();
00065     assert(n && "func failed");
00066     stack_node.push_back(n);
00067 }
00069 void end_node(char const* start, char const* end){
00070     string str(start, end);
00071     printf("end_node:%s\n", str.c_str());
00072     Node* n = stack_node.back();
00073     stack_wrapped_node.push_back(n);
00074     pop_stack_node();
00075 }
00078 void start_attribute(char const* start, char const* end){
00079     string str(start, end);
00080     //printf("new attrib %s.%s\n", stack_node.back()->get_name(), str.c_str());
00081     AttributeProxy* attrib = new AttributeProxy(stack_node.back(), str);
00082     stack_attribute_proxy.push_back(attrib);
00083 }
00085 void end_attribute(char const* start, char const* end){
00086     string str(start, end);
00087     *(stack_attribute_proxy.back()) = stack_attribute_value.back();
00088     pop_stack_attribute_proxy();
00089     pop_stack_attribute_value();
00090 }
00092 void do_value_string(char const* start, char const* end){
00093     string str(start, end);
00094     Leaf* leaf = new Leaf(str);
00095     stack_attribute_value.push_back(leaf);
00096 }
00097 void do_value_id(char const* start, char const* end){
00098     string str(start, end);
00099     Identifier* identifier    = new Identifier();
00100     identifier->handle        = str;
00101     stack_attribute_value.push_back(identifier);
00102 }
00103 void do_const_type(char const* start, char const* end){
00104     string str(start, end);
00105     constant_value = str;
00106 }
00107 void do_const_value(char const* start, char const* end){
00108     string str(start, end);
00109     constant_value = str;
00110 }
00111 void do_value_const(char const* start, char const* end){
00112     string str(start, end);
00113     Constant* constant        = new Constant();
00114     constant->type            = constant_type;
00115     constant->value           = constant_value;
00116     stack_attribute_value.push_back(constant);
00117 }
00118 void start_list(char const* start, char const* end){
00119     printf("start_list\n");
00120     stack_list_nodes.push_back(new List());
00121 }
00122 void do_list_node(char const* start, char const* end){
00123     printf("list.push_back(%s)\n", stack_attribute_value.back()->get_name());
00124     stack_list_nodes.back()->addChild(stack_attribute_value.back());
00125     pop_stack_attribute_value();
00126 }
00127 void end_list(char const* start, char const* end){
00128     printf("end_list\n");
00129     stack_attribute_value.push_back(stack_list_nodes.back());
00130     pop_stack_list_nodes();
00131 }
00132 void do_wrapped_node(const char* start, const char* end){
00133     //*(stack_attribute.back()) = stack_wrapped_node.back();
00134     stack_attribute_value.push_back(stack_wrapped_node.back());
00135     pop_stack_wrapped_nodes();
00136 }
00140 struct ASTreeGrammar : public grammar<ASTreeGrammar>
00141 {
00142     ASTreeGrammar(){}
00144     template <typename ScannerT>
00145     struct definition
00146     {
00147         definition(ASTreeGrammar const& self)
00148         {
00149             node =
00150                 (str[&start_node] >> +(attributePair))[&end_node]
00151                 ;
00153             attributePair =
00154                 str[&start_attribute] >> attributeValue[&end_attribute]
00155                 ;
00157             attributeValue = 
00158                   value_node
00159                 | value_id
00160                 | value_const
00161                 | value_list 
00162                 | value_string
00163                 ;
00165             value_node = 
00166                 ("{" >> node >> "}")[&do_wrapped_node]                                                         
00167                 ;
00169             value_list = 
00170                 str_p("[")[&start_list] >> *(value_node[&do_list_node]) >> str_p("]")[&end_list]               
00171                 ;
00173             value_string = 
00174                 lexeme_d[(+(~space_p))][&do_value_string]
00175                 ;
00177             value_id = 
00178                 str_p("id") >> ':' >> str[&do_value_id]                                                        
00179                 ;
00181             value_const = 
00182                 (str_p("const") >> ':' >> str[&do_const_type] >> ':' >> str[&do_const_value])[&do_value_const] 
00183                 ;
00185             str = 
00186                 (lexeme_d[(+(alnum_p | ch_p('_')))])
00187                 ;
00189             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(node);
00190             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(name_node);
00191             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(attributePair);
00192             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(name_attribute);
00193             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(attributeValue);
00194             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(value_node);
00195             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(value_list);
00196             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(value_string);
00197             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(value_id);
00198             BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(value_const);
00199         }
00201         rule<ScannerT> node, name_node, attributePair, name_attribute, attributeValue, value_node, value_list, value_string, value_id, value_const, str;
00202         rule<ScannerT> const& start() const { return node; }
00203     };
00204 };
00210 Node* AST::fromASTFile(FILE* f){
00211     printf("fromASTFile(%p)\n", f);
00212     string str;
00213     char s[1024];
00214     vector<string> v;
00215     while (fgets(s, 1024, f)) {
00216         if (s[0] == '\0')
00217             break;
00218         str += s;
00219     }
00220     ASTreeGrammar grammar;
00222     bool b = parse(str.c_str(), grammar, space_p).full;
00223     printf(b ? "ParsingSuccesful\n" : "Parsing Failed\n");
00224     Node* root = stack_wrapped_node.back();
00225     return root;
00226 }

Generated on Thu Oct 20 12:00:04 2005 for ASTree by  doxygen 1.4.2-20050421