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00001 #ifndef ATTRIBUTEPROXY_H
00002 #define ATTRIBUTEPROXY_H    
00003 #include <string>
00004 #include <vector>
00005 using namespace std;
00007 namespace AST{ 
00008 class Node;
00013 class AttributeProxy {
00014 public:
00015     AttributeProxy(Node* new_parent, string new_attributeName):
00016         parent(new_parent),
00017         attributeName(new_attributeName)
00018     {
00019     }
00020     void operator=(string value);
00021     void operator=(Node* value);
00022     void operator=(vector<Node*> vec_nodes);
00023 private:
00024     Node* parent;
00025     string attributeName;
00026 };
00027 };
00029 #endif /* ATTRIBUTEPROXY_H */

Generated on Thu Oct 20 12:00:04 2005 for ASTree by  doxygen 1.4.2-20050421