class Brain

The core brain structure

Public Fields

bool SaveSynUSE
Flag to indicate if the Synapses USE value should be saved to a file at the end of a simulation
char* SaveSynFile
File name where Synapse USE values should be stored if SaveSynUSE flag is on
double TotalTime
total time to run the program - seconds - input from user
int CycleCount
Ticks to run
int TimeStep
Current timestep
int ReportTime
Keep track of whether a status report needs to be made
int StartTime
actual time in seconds of when the program started the main loop
int nColumns
Number of Column objects in list
Column** vColumns
List of pointers to all Column objects in this brain
int nLPtrs
Number of Layer objects in list
Layer** LBasePtr
List of pointers to Layer objects
int nCellList
Number of Cell objects managed on this node
Cell** vCellList
List of pointers to all Cells on this node
int nStimulus
Number of Stimulii currently on list
Stimulus* StimList
Linked list of Stimulii
int nReports
Number of Reports currently on list
Report* RptList
Linked list of reports
int nSynapseLearn
Number of Synapse Learning objects defined
SynapseLearning** vSynapseLearn
List of Synapse Learning pointers
int nSynapseRSE
Number of Synapse RSE objects defined
SynapseRSE** vSynapseRSE
List of Synapse RSE pointers
int nSynapsePSG
Number of Synapse PSG objects defined
SynapsePSG** vSynapsePSG
List of Synapse PSG pointers
int nSynapseData
Number of Synapse Data objects defined
SynapseData** vSynapseData
List of Synapse Data pointers
bool SaveFlag
Flag to indicate that the brain's state should be save to file at end of current timestep
double SaveTime
Automatically save brain state to a file when it reaches this time
char SaveFile[128]
Name of file to save to when automatically saving

Public Methods

Brain(T_BRAIN *, char *, char *)
constructor for loading from Brain file
Brain(T_BRAIN *)
Constructor used when building brain from input file
void SetCellCount()
Set the cell count
unsigned int GetCellCount()
Retreive the cell count
void GiveMsgToCell(Message *)
Pointer to a message is given to a cell
int DoThink()
Main brain loop function
void StateSave(char *)
Save brain to file
void LoadBrain( char *, char *)
Load brain from file


The core brain structure. It contains lists of the objects, such as Cells, that the brain contains (which in turn may contain other lists of their internal components). The code is basically a loop that runs through the Stimulus, Cell, and Report lists every timestep, and calls them to do whatever they do.
bool SaveSynUSE
Flag to indicate if the Synapses USE value should be saved to a file at the end of a simulation. Not really used anymore.

char* SaveSynFile
File name where Synapse USE values should be stored if SaveSynUSE flag is on

double TotalTime
total time to run the program - seconds - input from user

int CycleCount
Ticks to run. Note that all TimeStep values must be int, since negative timestep values are used as flags elsewhere

int TimeStep
Current timestep

int ReportTime
Keep track of whether a status report needs to be made

int StartTime
actual time in seconds of when the program started the main loop

int nColumns
Number of Column objects in list

Column** vColumns
List of pointers to all Column objects in this brain

int nLPtrs
Number of Layer objects in list

Layer** LBasePtr
List of pointers to Layer objects

int nCellList
Number of Cell objects managed on this node

Cell** vCellList
List of pointers to all Cells on this node

int nStimulus
Number of Stimulii currently on list

Stimulus* StimList
Linked list of Stimulii. Can be added & deleted as desired

int nReports
Number of Reports currently on list

Report* RptList
Linked list of reports. Can be added & deleted as desired

int nSynapseLearn
Number of Synapse Learning objects defined

SynapseLearning** vSynapseLearn
List of Synapse Learning pointers

int nSynapseRSE
Number of Synapse RSE objects defined

SynapseRSE** vSynapseRSE
List of Synapse RSE pointers

int nSynapsePSG
Number of Synapse PSG objects defined

SynapsePSG** vSynapsePSG
List of Synapse PSG pointers

int nSynapseData
Number of Synapse Data objects defined

SynapseData** vSynapseData
List of Synapse Data pointers

bool SaveFlag
Flag to indicate that the brain's state should be save to file at end of current timestep. Need some way to interact (communicate) with brain in order to use it.

double SaveTime
Automatically save brain state to a file when it reaches this time

char SaveFile[128]
Name of file to save to when automatically saving

Brain(T_BRAIN *, char *, char *)
constructor for loading from Brain file

Brain(T_BRAIN *)
Constructor used when building brain from input file


void SetCellCount()
Set the cell count

unsigned int GetCellCount()
Retreive the cell count

void GiveMsgToCell(Message *)
Pointer to a message is given to a cell

int DoThink()
Main brain loop function

void StateSave(char *)
Save brain to file. Recursively saves all brain structures

void LoadBrain( char *, char *)
Load brain from file. Recursively restores all brain structures. Called from constructor

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling