
To establish each connection, the destination cell must send four pieces of data to the FROM node: The ids of the FROM cell and cmp, the memory address of the Synapse's ReceiveMsg function on the TO node, and the time delay (in timesteps)
This struct temporarily holds the information for each cell.
Temporary container object to hold an array of temporary compartment information
o MakeConnects
This function is used when the probability of connection stays constant (that is, it does not decay with distance).
o AddToSendTo
After synapse connections are determined, the sending node (ie.
o MakeConnects
This function is for connections that depend on distances.
o distance
Find the x,y,z coordinates of a source and destination cell and calculate the distance between them.
o gatherConnectedIDs
After connections have been made, the connected cell IDs (and compartment IDs) will be stored continuously into one array for quick reference
o outputConnectMap
Output info about a single connection map.
o MakeRecurrentConnects
For recurrent connections: When the original connection (cluster A to cluster B) is made, the reverse connections (cluster B to cluster A) are made at the same time.
o swapInfo
For recurrent connections: This function allows for one Connection Descriptor to handle two different connections by exchanging information.
o acceptRecurrentConnection
For recurrent connections: This function is called by the node B so that it may receive the secondary connection map created by node A.
o createSynapses
For recurrent connections: general purpose synapse creator for when clusters are on one or two nodes.
o sendRecurrentInfo
For recurrent connections: If the clusters were on different nodes, node A calls this function to inform node B about the connection scheme.
o acceptDestinationInfo
For recurrent connections: If the clusters were on different nodes, node A calls this function to retrieve information about the synapses created on node B.
o shuffleConnections
For recurrent connections: After a list (vector) of candidate connections have been created, they are shuffled so that they can be pulled iteratively from the list, while maintaining randomness.
o shuffleConnections
For recurrent connections: After lists (vectors) of candidate connections have been created, they are shuffled so that they can be pulled iteratively from the list, while maintaining randomness.
o transposeMap
For recurrent connections: after the maps have been coordinated, the second map must be trasposed so the source cells form the columns and destination cells form the rows
o MakeSelfRecurrence
For a cell group recurrent with itself, all operations work within the same matrix.
o CoordinateConnectionsOneWay
For recurrent connections: coordinate two connections maps to adjust the number of recurrent connections.
Functions for creating synapses between cells.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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