> struct LOCATOR

struct LOCATOR

This struct is a sub-structure of all elements that are read from the input.

[more]int kind
Flag for type of structure?
[more]char* name
Name of item.
[more]int idx
Index number = count as read in
[more]void* next
Linked-list pointer
[more]char* file
Future: file name where the object was defined
[more]int line
The line of the input file where the object was defined


This struct is a sub-structure of all elements that are read from the input. It holds the name, file & line info for error reporting, and a linked list pointer. It allows for e.g. common lookup & error reporting functions.
oint kind
Flag for type of structure?

ochar* name
Name of item. Assigned from input file, usually by TYPE keyword.

oint idx
Index number = count as read in

ovoid* next
Linked-list pointer

ochar* file
Future: file name where the object was defined

oint line
The line of the input file where the object was defined

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