class Output

This handles actually writing the report info to output.

Public Fields

[more]FILE* File
File pointer to send report data to
[more]int Port
If > 0, send output to designated port, if == -1, contact server to get an auto port
[more]bool ASCII
True if report is to be written in ASCII format
[more]bool IsTmp
True if report is to be written to local node's /tmp dir
[more]char* FileName
FileName has multiple uses.
[more]int nThings
Number of items in report's data
[more]int ThingSize
The size of each element in the report data
[more]int reportFlag
Determine which version of report to write.
[more]int nItems
For some reports (ie.

Public Methods

[more]FILE* getAutoPort()
If the Port is set to -1, then NCS should try to contact the server program which will handle the connection process for NCS.


This handles actually writing the report info to output. Since all of a cluster is now on a single node, it no longer needs to do collection via MPI. It could be replaced with file I/O in Report, but keeping it separate makes it easier to handle e.g. AIO output.

The files are normally written to the user's file space on the head node. However, if the output file has a name beginning with /tmp, it will be written to the node's local /tmp dir. Note that some mechanism should be added to output node:filename info so they can be located... JF

oFILE* File
File pointer to send report data to

oint Port
If > 0, send output to designated port, if == -1, contact server to get an auto port

obool ASCII
True if report is to be written in ASCII format

obool IsTmp
True if report is to be written to local node's /tmp dir

ochar* FileName
FileName has multiple uses. For file reports, the file name to combine with the job descriptor. Statis Port assignments (Port > 0) use FileName as the server address. Auto Port assignments (Port==-1) use FileName to label the report for proper connections.

oint nThings
Number of items in report's data

oint ThingSize
The size of each element in the report data

oint reportFlag
Determine which version of report to write. Binary reports will have additional header information output if versionNum > 1. This is too maintain compatibility with older utilities that use the original version of binary reports. ASCII reports will use the falg to determine if output should use e notation

oint nItems
For some reports (ie. Channel reports) multiple values are written to the buffer and must be all output. By default, this should be 1.

oFILE* getAutoPort()
If the Port is set to -1, then NCS should try to contact the server program which will handle the connection process for NCS. The server will be given a report name that is constructed from the Brain's type, the Job name, and the report's type

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