Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno

ECC LabConnect


ECC LabConnect consists of 3 major modules - Server (Backend), Web Admin Interface and Mobile Client.

Server (Backend)

ECC LabConnect Server is at the center of ECC LabConnect. All information on ECC lab is stored and maintained in ECC LabConnect Server. Each computer in ECC lab sends its status to server, and the server receives, processes and stores all information so that the database is always up to date in real-time. The information stored in the database includes status, position and MAC address of all computers and status, layout, reservation schedule, available software of all labs in ECC.

Web Admin Interface

ECC LabConnect Web Admin Interface provides ECC administrators easy access to update information stored on database that needs to be manually updated.

Mobile Client

ECC LabConnect Mobile Client is being developed for both major mobile platforms - Android and iOS. It is a mobile application distributed to engineering students that use ECC lab. It provides real-time information on ECC computers and labs maintained and stored in ECC LabConnect Server in a user friendly and intuitive graphical layout.

Target Mobile OS

ECC LabConnect mobile clients are being developed for Android and iOS.


Conway, Joe, and Aaron Hillegass. iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide. Atlanta, GA: Big Nerd Ranch, 2014. Print.

Mednieks, Zigurd, Laird Dornin, G. Blake. Meike, and Musami Bakamura. Programming Android. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2011. Print.

Neuburg, Matt. iOS 7 Programming Fundamentals. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2014. Print.

Ullman, Larry. PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites. Berkeley: Peachpit, 2012. Print.