Professor, CSE

Director, ECSL

Playing to Learn

Games, like the ones demoed below, can be used for learning math concepts like positive and negative integers, number lines, quadrants, and others we have not yet implemented. We believe that the basic idea

Many classic games, already well known and known to be addictive, can be augmented to teach STEM concepts

More than kids sitting in front of a computer, we want such games to be enpowering, fun, and not overtly educational. So our examples below use Microsoft's awesomly Kinetic Kinect to subtly imbue classic games like Pong and Snakes with (shiver) math, (yay!) motion, and (whoopie) fun.

Older Movies and Demos

Demos: the genetic algorithm runs on our server but you can track progress on this web page (requires java applet support).

Movies: Visualize our current and past research.