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Comparing Genetic and Other Search Algorithms

'Life is very strange' said Jeremy. 'Compared to what?' replied the spider. -Anon

This chapter compares genetic algorithms with other search algorithms. It defines a class of search spaces which are easy for genetic algorithms and hard for stochastic hill-climbers. The defined spaces require genetic recombination for successful search and are partially deceptive. A deceptive space for a search algorithm leads the algorithm away from the global optimum and towards a local optimum. Problems where tradeoffs need to be made subsume spaces with these properties. Results comparing a genetic algorithm without crossover against one with two-point crossover support these claims. Further, a genetic algorithm using pareto optimality for selection outperforms both. In problems with more than one criterion to be optimized, pareto optimality provides a way to compare solutions without the need to combine the criteria into a single fitness measure. These results provide insight into the kind of spaces where recombination is necessary, suggesting further study of properties of such spaces, and when to expect genetic algorithms to outperform others.

The Importance of Recombination

Recombination plays a central role in genetic algorithms and constitutes one of the major differences between GAs and other applicable algorithms. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a search space is particularly suited to a genetic algorithm hinges on the power of recombination in generating an appropriate search bias. This chapter defines one class of spaces that requires genetic recombination for successful search. The class includes problems where a particular kind of tradeoff exists and is exemplified by design problems in engineering and architecture.

Recent work on GA-easy and ``royal-road'' functions suggests that it is not easy to find spaces where GAs emerge a clear winner when compared with a stochastic hill-climber (SHC) or a population of stochastic hill-climbers [Wilson, 1991, Mitchell and Forrest, 1993]. The work suggests that it is not enough that optimal lower order schemas combine to form optimal higher order schemas. Hill-climbers often solve such problems in a smaller number of function evaluations than a genetic algorithm. Instead, research on deception provides insight into the kinds of spaces that are deceptive  [Goldberg, 1989a] for SHCs or a population of SHCs and that are relatively easy for genetic algorithms. Identifying properties of spaces that are easy for genetic algorithms and hard for stochastic hill-climbers should provide insight into the inner workings of a GA and aid in the practical selection of search algorithms.

The next section defines the model of a stochastic hill-climber used in this chapter. Then a problem that is partially deceptive and needs recombination to overcome deception is designed. Spaces with structure similar to the problem defined in section three may be found in multicriteria optimization. Pareto optimality, used to compare multicriteria solutions, is defined in section four and used in selecting candidates for recombination in a genetic algorithm. Empirical evidence in section five compares performance on the problem type defined in section three.

GAs, Hill-climbers and Recombination

The model of a classical genetic algorithm in this chapter assumes proportional selection, two-point crossover and a mutation operator that complements a bit at a randomly selected position. Proportional selection selects a candidate for reproduction with probability proportional to the fitness of the candidate. That is, if tex2html_wrap_inline2345 is the fitness of individual i, its probability of selection is


where N is the population size. Two point crossover is like one-point crossover (figure gif), except that two points are randomly chosen and the substring defined by those points exchanged to produce offspring. For experimental purposes a population of stochastic hill-climbers is a genetic algorithm without crossover. In this chapter ``hill-climber'' and ``stochastic hill-climber'' are used interchangeably and problems are cast as maximization problems in hamming space, eliding the issue of encoding.

A genetic algorithm without crossover and only mutation can be likened to an Evolution Strategy [Bäck et al., 1991], albeit a simple one with a nonvarying mutation rate and random bias. A GA without crossover is a stochastic hill-climber and, depending on the rate of mutation, can make jumps of varying sizes through the search space. Being population-based and stochastic, it makes fewer assumptions about the search space, and as such is more robust and harder to deceive than the bit-setting optimization and steepest-ascent optimization algorithms defined in Wilson's paper  [Wilson, 1991]. A bit-setting optimization algorithm assumes that a point in the search space is represented by a bit string S of length l. The algorithm flips each bit, remembering the settings that led to improvements. The solution tex2html_wrap_inline2355 consists of the better settings of each bit. Steepest-ascent optimization accepts tex2html_wrap_inline2355 as the starting point for iterating bit-setting optimization. This continues until no improvements can be made.

Although there is debate in genetics as to the evolutionary viability of crossover in nature, it suffices to note that crossover does exist in biological systems. In genetic algorithms, Holland's schema theorem emphasizes the importance of recombination and provides insight into the mechanics of a GA [Holland, 1975]. Recombination is the key difference between the genetic algorithm and the hill-climbers defined above. Recombination allows large, structured jumps in the search space. In other words, it facilitates combination of low-order building blocks to form higher-order building blocks, if they exist. The type of combinations facilitated depends on the crossover operator and population distribution. In a random population of strings (encoded points), large jumps in the search space are possible. However, the size of jumps due to crossover in a GA depends on the average hamming distance between members of the population (hamming average) or the degree of convergence of the population. The hamming distance between two binary strings of equal length is the number of corresponding positions that differ. For example, the hamming distance between 1011 and 0010 is 2 since the bits in the first and last positions differ. As the population converges, the usual and corresponding decrease in hamming average of the population leads to a decrease in maximum jump size and exploration of a correspondingly smaller neighborhood. But this kind of neighborhood exploration can be carried out by a GA with mutation only, that is, a stochastic hill-climber.

During the early stages of GA processing, large jumps, combinations of building blocks that are hamming dissimilar, are more probable since the hamming distance between possible mates is higher. The GA should search effectively in spaces where such combinations of building blocks lead toward higher-order optimal schemas. But at this early stage, not only is the variance in estimated fitnesses of schemas high, but there may be enough diversity in a population of hill-climbers to stumble on the correct higher-order schema. Both the order of early building blocks and diversity of the population need to be considered in analyzing recombination.

The discussion above implies that for recombination to be effective and hill-climbing ineffective, a GA needs to be able to make large, useful, structured jumps through recombination even after partial convergence.

A Hill-climbing Deceptive Problem


Consider the function shown in figure gif.

Figure: A hill-climbing deceptive function that should be easy for GAs

Figure: An alternate view of a hill-climbing deceptive space that should be easy for GAs (10 bits)

For this four-bit function, the global optimum is at 1111, but there are two hill-climbing deceptive optima at 0011 and 1100, the global optimum is 2 bits away from the suboptima. Figure gif gives another rough, but perhaps more intuitive, view of a space that should be easy for a GA. Broadening the base of the peak in figure gif makes the function easier on hill-climbers and genetic algorithms alike. The function in figure gif can be specified for an l length string as follows: let tex2html_wrap_inline2379 be the number of ones on the right half of the string (l/2 bits), tex2html_wrap_inline2383 be the number of ones on the left half of the string. Using tex2html_wrap_inline2385 to denote the absolute-value function, and p the size of the base of the peak,


Intuitively, counting from one side (left or right), fitness increases as the number of 1's increases until the halfway point of the string, after this point, fitness decreases as the number of 1's increases until reaching the area near the global optimum. Here the fitness increases sharply, peaking at the global optimum. The squaring of the values near the peak tries to ensure that once found by a classical genetic algorithm, the peak will not be lost easily.

For sufficiently large l this type of function is deceptive for a SHC or population of SHCs since for a string of length l, once a stochastic hill-climber reaches a deceptive optimum, it will have to simultaneously set all the remaining l/2 (approximating to within p bits) bits to 1 to attain the global optimum. Setting fewer than l/2 bits decreases fitness. The probability of simultaneously setting l/2 bits to 1 decreases exponentially with l, thus making it hard on a SHC or a population of SHCs for sufficiently large l. Using this chapter's model of a stochastic hill-climber with mutation probability tex2html_wrap_inline2413 , after reaching the suboptima, the probability of setting l/2 bits is: the probability that l/2 incorrect bits are flipped, multiplied by the probability that the correctly set bits are not flipped


Now consider the power of recombination. Once a genetic algorithm reaches the hill-climbing deceptive optima, crossover can produce the global optimum in one operation, assuming that the population contains representatives of both suboptima. Genetic operators that are conducive to maintaining stable subpopulations at the peaks of a multimodal function are called niching operators (see [Deb and Goldberg, 1989] for a survey of niching operators). Niching operators can be used to provide representatives at the suboptima as long as these operators do not entail mating restrictions which may then not allow the algorithm to find the global optimum.

Next, consider whether this type of space may be found in normal application domains. In many areas of engineering, a problem is usually stated in terms of multiobjective (or multicriteria) optimization, and the function above can be easily and naturally stated as a two-objective optimization problem. This dissertation suggests that multicriteria optimization problems may provide fertile ground for finding search spaces in which genetic algorithms do better than other blind search algorithms. However, multicriteria optimization raises a point. The issue for the algorithms presented earlier is that, in general, it is difficult to combine multiple measures into a single fitness in a reasonable way without making assumptions about the relationships among the criteria. Unfortunately, a single fitness measure is the usual feedback for genetic algorithms and for the niching methods in [Deb and Goldberg, 1989]. For example, consider designing a beam section where the objectives are to maximize the moment of inertia and minimize the perimeter. Minimizing the perimeter usually decreases the moment of inertia and maximizing the moment of inertia increases the perimeter, resulting in a tradeoff [Gero et al., 1993]. Combining the two criteria into a single measure makes no sense unless the relationship between the two is already known. Fortunately, the concept of pareto optimality allows us to do this reasonably and, as will be seen, provides a ready-made niching mechanism, killing two birds with one stone.

Pareto Optimality and Selection

Pareto optimality operates on the principle of nondominance of solutions. An n criteria solution tex2html_wrap_inline2427 with values tex2html_wrap_inline2429 dominates tex2html_wrap_inline2431 with values tex2html_wrap_inline2433 if


The set of pareto optimal solutions, the pareto-optimal set, is the set of non-dominated solutions. Figure gif shows the pareto-optimal set for a two-criteria problem. An axis represents values for a particular criterion. The coordinates of each point (solution) denote the values of their respective criterion. X's in the figure represent dominated points. The O's represent non-dominated points that belong in the pareto-optimal set.

Figure: A graphical representation of solution points on a two-criteria optimization problem. The points within the shaded area represent the pareto optimal set of solutions.

Considering the maximal value along each criteria to be one of our hill-climbing deceptive optima, there is a correspondence between the function defined in section 2 and multicriteria optimization problems. If a central peak (global optimum) exists, as in figure gif, then recombination should find it, if both suboptima are represented in the population. Incorporating pareto optimality into the selection mechanism of a genetic algorithm facilitates the maintenance of stable subpopulations representing the suboptima.

A variant of binary tournament selection is used to incorporate pareto optimality in the genetic algorithm. When using this variant of binary tournament selection, the algorithm selects two individuals at random from the current population, mates them, and produces the pareto-optimal set of the parents and offspring. Two random individuals from this pareto-optimal set form part of the next population. The procedure repeats until the new population fills up, thus becoming the next current population. This method with a tournament size of 2 is computationally inexpensive since only 4 solutions compete at a time.

The genetic algorithm with pareto-optimal selection (pareto-optimal GA) is used to attack the problem in section gif. First, the problem is split into two, corresponding to the two additive terms in equation gif. Cast as a 2 criteria optimization problem, the first criterion is


where tex2html_wrap_inline2379 stands for the number of 1's in one half of the string and tex2html_wrap_inline2383 the number of 1's in the other half of the string. The second criterion tex2html_wrap_inline2455 then becomes


The point of decomposing the original problem into a two-criteria problem is not to suggest that functions in general can be decomposed to form multicriteria problems. Rather, the argument is that many design problems are best posed as multicriteria optimization problems and thus provide search spaces that may be easy for genetic algorithms.


This section compares the number of times the optimum is found by a GA without crossover, a classical GA with two-point crossover (CGA) and a pareto-optimal GA with two-point crossover. The population size in all experiments was 30 and the results were averaged over 11 runs of the algorithm with different random seeds. The GA with mutation ran with mutation probability from 0.01 to 0.10 in increments of 0.01 and the best results used. The probability of crossover was 0.8 and the mutation rate 0.02 for the other two algorithms.

Figures gif and gif compare the maximum fitness over time for the three algorithms. The algorithms ran for 200 generations or 6000 function evaluations. The string length was 30, the parameter p in the definition of the function was set to 2 to produce figure gif and to 4 to produce figure gif. The difference in performance of the pareto-optimal GA provides empirical support for the importance of recombination and the niching effect of pareto-optimal selection. As expected the width of the peak affects performance, with wider peaks allowing the GA with two-point crossover to perform significantly better than the stochastic hill-climber. The plot for the pareto-optimal GA shows the average fitness for only one of the two criteria, hence the low (about 1/2 the value of the other two plots) initial values.

Figure: Performance comparison for string length 30. The peak width is 2.

Figure: Performance comparison for string length 30 but with peak width 4.

Table gif compares the percentage of times the algorithms found the optima for strings of length 20, 30, 40 and 50 for peaks of width 1, 2, 3 and 4. In the table, peak size is given in column 2, PGA is the pareto-optimal GA while CGA is the GA with two-point crossover and PSHC is the GA with no crossover -- a population of stochastic hill-climbers. Table gif depicts the same information but for wider peaks.

Table: Comparing   the number of times the optimum was found in 200 generations for narrow peaks.

Table: Comparing   the number of times the optimum was found in 200 generations for broader peaks.

For table gif, statistical testing using a tex2html_wrap_inline2525 test of significance for comparing proportions indicates that the PGA is significantly better at a confidence level greater than 95% for the length-20 problem and a significance level greater than tex2html_wrap_inline2529 for the others. The difference in performance of the CGA and PSHC is not statistically significant for any of the problems in this table. Table gif shows the significance and confidence levels for the data in table gif. Comparing performance using date for the wider peaks given in table gif, the tex2html_wrap_inline2525 test indicates that the differences in performance between the PGA and CGA and between the CGA and PSHC on the 30 bit problem are statistically significant. The confidence level is greater than tex2html_wrap_inline2535 . On the 40 and 50 bit problems the pareto-optimal GA significantly outperforms the other algorithms.

Table: Statistical   Significance of differences in performance according to the tex2html_wrap_inline2525 test of significance. Confidence levels are in parenthesis.

These results strongly indicate that a pareto-optimal GA is more likely to find the optimum on problems of this type, followed by a GA with crossover. The stochastic hill-climber appears least likely to find the optimum and in this case had less than a tex2html_wrap_inline2143 chance, even on the smaller length-20 problem when the peak was narrow. Wider peaks help the hill-climber for small problems (length 20, peak width 2) but as the problem size increases, the hill-climber's performance deteriorates to become worse than even a classical GA. In all cases, the pareto-optimal GA does as well as, or better than, the other two algorithms.


A preliminary analysis assumes that the algorithms need to reach the local optima to be able to jump to the global optimum. For the function type defined in this chapter, as the length of the deceptive basin between a local optimum and the global optimum decreases, hill-climbers should perform better. A break-even point for a function shaped like the one in figure gif occurs when the chances of reaching the global optimum from one of the local optima become greater than 1/2. From the earlier analysis the probability that a stochastic hill-climber reaches the global optimum is


Figure: The shape easier for GAs and harder for hill-climbers, d denotes the size of the deceptive basin.

where tex2html_wrap_inline2413 is the probability of mutation and l the length of the string. Let d stand for the length of the deceptive basin (l/2 is the length of the deceptive basin above). Figure gif is a copy of figure gif but with the deceptive basin size d clearly marked. Plotting the function for various values of tex2html_wrap_inline2413 and d results in figure gif.

Figure: The vertical axis indicates the probability of finding the global optimum in terms of mutation rate ( tex2html_wrap_inline2413 ) and length of deceptive basin (d).

The plot (figure gif) indicates that the length of the deceptive basin plays a major part in determining success for a stochastic hill-climber. Only for small values of d are the chances of finding the optimum appreciable over a range of mutation values. For a genetic algorithm using one-point crossover, the probability that the global optimum is found assuming equally fit local optima is roughly the probability that the mates chosen represent the two local optima, multiplied by the probability that crossover produces the global optimum. Assuming that the genetic algorithm population only contains representatives of the local optima in equal proportions, the probability of finding the global optimum is tex2html_wrap2573 . This simplified analysis assumes that the algorithms need to reach the local optima to be able to jump to the global optimum. The assumption is not strictly true. Analysis becomes much more complex, depending on the detailed behavior of the objective function, when disallowing this assumption. However, macroscopic behavior, like the importance of deceptive basin length (d) is predictable.


Design problems are often formulated as multiobjective or multicriteria optimization problems. In many cases such problems involve tradeoffs among possibly conflicting criteria. Spaces where recombination of two or more single criterion optima leads toward a global optimum, with a deceptive basin in between to trap hill-climbers, are well suited for genetic algorithms especially when using pareto optimality in their selection process. Pareto-optimal selection appears to provide the necessary niches until recombination produces the global optimum. This chapter defined a problem in hamming space with these properties and empirically compared the performance of a classical GA with two-point crossover to that of a stochastic hill-climber (a GA without crossover), and a GA with pareto-optimal selection. The GA with pareto-optimal selection always found the optimum more often than the others, while the classical GA usually did better than the stochastic hill-climber. This evidence suggests a closer look at the spaces defined in this chapter for function encoding combinations that are relatively easy for genetic algorithms and hard for hill-climbing methods.

Pareto-optimal selection also eliminates the need to combine disparate criteria into a single fitness as is usual in genetic algorithms. The method described in this chapter is distributable and computationally less expensive compared to other suggested methods for incorporating pareto optimality [Goldberg, 1989b]. Exploring niche formation with pareto-optimal selection remains an interesting area for further research.

This chapter did not consider encodings since all problems were cast as optimization problems in hamming space. However, encoding a problem for a genetic algorithm is an important issue, with the biases generated by an encoding playing a significant part in performance. The next chapter attacks this problem.

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Sushil J. Louis
Wed Jun 25 15:17:05 PDT 1997