struct T_CHANNEL

Intermediate channel structure.

general information
[more]long Seed
seed for random number generator - not used
[more]int family
The family this channel belongs to: Km, Ka, Kahp, or Na
[more]double unitaryG[2]
Conductance values.
[more]double strength[2]
The amount of influence by this channel.
[more]double M_Initial[2]
Initial value assigned to m, the activating particle.
[more]double mPower[2]
The exponent which the m-particle will be raised.
[more]double ReversePot[2]
Reversal Potential of the Channel
[more]double strength_range[2]
Like strength, but expects a lower and upper bound for the values to be uniformly distributed between
[more]double H_Initial[2]
Initial value assigned to h, the inactivating particle.
[more]double hPower[2]
The exponent which the h-particle will be raised.
[more]double eHalfMinM[3]
Values used when updating channel m-particle.
[more]double eHalfMinH[3]
Values used when updating channel h-particle.
[more]int nTauM
Number of values stored in tau array
[more]int nValM
Number of values stored in TauValM.
[more]int nVoltM
Number of values stored in TauVoltM nVoltM = nValM - 1
[more]double* TauValM
List of tau values for m; the one used depends on cmp voltage and TauVoltM.
[more]double* TauVoltM
List of voltages to compare with compartment voltage.
[more]double ValM_stdev
a std.
[more]double VoltM_stdev
a std.
[more]int nTauH
Number of values stored in tau array
[more]int nValH
Number of values stored in TauValH.
[more]int nVoltH
Number of values stored in TauVoltH.
[more]double* TauValH
List of tau values for h; the one used depends on cmp voltage and TauVoltH.
[more]double* TauVoltH
List of voltages to compare with compartment voltage.
[more]double ValH_stdev
a std.
[more]double VoltH_stdev
a std.
[more]double alphaScaleFactorM[2]
Scaler to multiply the alpha value of the tau of the m particle.
[more]double betaScaleFactorM[2]
Scaler to multiply the beta value of the tau of the m particle.
[more]double alphaScaleFactorH[2]
Scaler to multiply the alpha value of the tau of the h particle.
[more]double betaScaleFactorH[2]
Scaler to multiply the beta value of the tau of the h particle.
[more]double tauScaleM[2]
Scaler to multiply the tau of the m particle.
[more]double tauScaleH[2]
Scaler to multiply the tau of the h particle.
[more]double slopeM[3]
Three spaces available for values to divide calculations in the m particle.
[more]double slopeM_stdev
A standard deviation to apply to all slopeM values
[more]double slopeH[3]
Three spaces available for values to divide calculations in the h particle.
[more]double slopeH_stdev
A std.
[more]double CA_EXP[2]
Exponent to apply to the calcium calculation.
[more]double CA_EXP_RANGE[2]
Exponent to apply to the calcium ccalulation.
[more]double CA_SCALE[2]
Scaler values to multiply the calcium equations.
[more]double CA_HALF_MIN[2]
Two spaces available for values that are used in calculations.
[more]double CA_TAU_SCALE[2]
Scaler to multiply the tau of the calcium.


Intermediate channel structure. Contains fields for all implemented channels. Km Ka Kahp Na

Some objects contain a number of slots such as eHalfMinM. Depending on the channel, some, all, or none of these slots may be filled. The channel current equation is responsible for accessing the values it needs.

general information

olong Seed
seed for random number generator - not used

oint family
The family this channel belongs to: Km, Ka, Kahp, or Na

odouble unitaryG[2]
Conductance values. space is given for a mean and a standard deviation

odouble strength[2]
The amount of influence by this channel. Ranges from 0-1, 1 using full channel strength. Expects mean and std. dev.

odouble M_Initial[2]
Initial value assigned to m, the activating particle. Mean and std. dev.

odouble mPower[2]
The exponent which the m-particle will be raised. i.e. m^mPower

odouble ReversePot[2]
Reversal Potential of the Channel

odouble strength_range[2]
Like strength, but expects a lower and upper bound for the values to be uniformly distributed between

odouble H_Initial[2]
Initial value assigned to h, the inactivating particle. Mean and std. dev.

odouble hPower[2]
The exponent which the h-particle will be raised. i.e. h^hPower

odouble eHalfMinM[3]
Values used when updating channel m-particle. Applied when analyzing the compartment voltage. e.g. V-33.4

odouble eHalfMinH[3]
Values used when updating channel h-particle. Applied when analyzing the compartment voltage. e.g. V-33.4

oint nTauM
Number of values stored in tau array

oint nValM
Number of values stored in TauValM. nValM = nVoltM + 1

oint nVoltM
Number of values stored in TauVoltM nVoltM = nValM - 1

odouble* TauValM
List of tau values for m; the one used depends on cmp voltage and TauVoltM. Last Value is extra to return in case no Voltages in TauVoltM suffice.

odouble* TauVoltM
List of voltages to compare with compartment voltage. Each entry corresponds with an entry in TauValM.

odouble ValM_stdev
a std. dev. to apply to all numbers in TauValM array. If this is zero, one copy of TauValM will be shared to save memory.

odouble VoltM_stdev
a std. dev. to apply to all numbers in TauVoltM array. If this is zero, one copy of TauVoltM will be shared to save memory.

oint nTauH
Number of values stored in tau array

oint nValH
Number of values stored in TauValH. nValH = nVoltH + 1

oint nVoltH
Number of values stored in TauVoltH. nVoltH = nValM - 1

odouble* TauValH
List of tau values for h; the one used depends on cmp voltage and TauVoltH. Last value is extra to return in case no Voltages in TauVoltH suffice.

odouble* TauVoltH
List of voltages to compare with compartment voltage. Each entry corresponds with an entry in TauValH.

odouble ValH_stdev
a std. dev. to apply to all numbers in TauValH array. If this is zero, one copy of TauValH will be shared to save memory.

odouble VoltH_stdev
a std. dev. to apply to all numbers in TauVoltH array. If this is zero, one copy of TauVoltH will be shared to save memory.

odouble alphaScaleFactorM[2]
Scaler to multiply the alpha value of the tau of the m particle. Uses mean and std. dev.

odouble betaScaleFactorM[2]
Scaler to multiply the beta value of the tau of the m particle. Uses mean and std. dev.

odouble alphaScaleFactorH[2]
Scaler to multiply the alpha value of the tau of the h particle. Uses mean and std. dev.

odouble betaScaleFactorH[2]
Scaler to multiply the beta value of the tau of the h particle. Uses mean and std. dev.

odouble tauScaleM[2]
Scaler to multiply the tau of the m particle. Uses mean and std. dev.

odouble tauScaleH[2]
Scaler to multiply the tau of the h particle. Uses mean and std. dev.

odouble slopeM[3]
Three spaces available for values to divide calculations in the m particle. e.g. (V-33)/6

odouble slopeM_stdev
A standard deviation to apply to all slopeM values

odouble slopeH[3]
Three spaces available for values to divide calculations in the h particle. e.g. (V-33)/6

odouble slopeH_stdev
A std. dev. to apply to all slopeH values

odouble CA_EXP[2]
Exponent to apply to the calcium calculation. Uses mean and std. dev. to create variance.

odouble CA_EXP_RANGE[2]
Exponent to apply to the calcium ccalulation. Uses lower and upper values to create variance.

odouble CA_SCALE[2]
Scaler values to multiply the calcium equations. Mean and std. dev.

odouble CA_HALF_MIN[2]
Two spaces available for values that are used in calculations. e.g. (V-34)

odouble CA_TAU_SCALE[2]
Scaler to multiply the tau of the calcium. Mean and std. dev.

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