Structure for connecting compartments within a cell.

contains information on object
[more]char* fromCmpName
string containing compartment name as given in input file
[more]char* toCmpName
string containing compartment name as given in input file
[more]int FromCmp
index of source compartment
[more]int ToCmp
index of destination compartment
[more]double Speed
determines how quickly current propagates between the compartments
[more]double G
Conductance value for forward connection.
[more]double retroG
Conductance value for reverse connection.
[more]double delay
time of delay in seconds.


Structure for connecting compartments within a cell. Does not need values for Column, Layer, Cell like other connects
contains information on object

ochar* fromCmpName
string containing compartment name as given in input file

ochar* toCmpName
string containing compartment name as given in input file

oint FromCmp
index of source compartment

oint ToCmp
index of destination compartment

odouble Speed
determines how quickly current propagates between the compartments

odouble G
Conductance value for forward connection. i.e. flow from source to destination

odouble retroG
Conductance value for reverse connection. i.e. flow from destination back to source

odouble delay
time of delay in seconds. Calculated during conversion and filled in.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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