struct T_REPORT

Intermediate Report object.

general information about this object
[more]long Seed
Random number generator seed
[more]char* ColName
Name of Column type
[more]char* LayName
Name of Layer type
[more]char* CellName
Name of Cell type
[more]char* CmpName
Name of Compartment type
[more]char* Name
Name of alternate object (may be Channel, Synapse, or Synapse_RSE types)
[more]int Column
Index of corresponding T_COLUMN object
[more]int Layer
Index of corresponding T_LAYER object
[more]int Cell
Index of corresponding T_CELL object
[more]int Cmp
Index of corresponding T_CMP object
[more]int Thing
Index of corresponding alternate object (T_CHANNEL, T_SYNAPSE, etc.
[more]char* FileName
Name of file report data should be written to (or hostname for real-time output)
[more]int ReportOn
Type of report data to be extracted from source and written
[more]int ASCII
Flag to indicate if data should be written in ASCII (true) or Binary (false) form
[more]int Port
For real-time reporting, data should be sent to this port on the target host
[more]double Prob
Probability that a particular cell will be included in the report
[more]unsigned int Frequency
How often a report should be made
[more]int nTimes
The total number of start/stop time pairs
[more]int nTStart
The number of report start up times
[more]int nTStop
The number of report stop times
[more]double* TStart
Array of report start times in seconds
[more]double* TStop
Array of report stop times in seconds
[more]int* Time_Start
Array of report start times in timeticks
[more]int* Time_Stop
Array of report stop times in timeticks
[more]int reportFlag
Flags indicating which report version to use (only affects binary reports)


Intermediate Report object. As the input file is parsed, the name of requested objects are stroed. During conversion, those names are looked up and an index value into the ARRAYS structure is saved for more convenient usage
general information about this object

olong Seed
Random number generator seed

ochar* ColName
Name of Column type

ochar* LayName
Name of Layer type

ochar* CellName
Name of Cell type

ochar* CmpName
Name of Compartment type

ochar* Name
Name of alternate object (may be Channel, Synapse, or Synapse_RSE types)

oint Column
Index of corresponding T_COLUMN object

oint Layer
Index of corresponding T_LAYER object

oint Cell
Index of corresponding T_CELL object

oint Cmp
Index of corresponding T_CMP object

oint Thing
Index of corresponding alternate object (T_CHANNEL, T_SYNAPSE, etc. )

ochar* FileName
Name of file report data should be written to (or hostname for real-time output)

oint ReportOn
Type of report data to be extracted from source and written

oint ASCII
Flag to indicate if data should be written in ASCII (true) or Binary (false) form

oint Port
For real-time reporting, data should be sent to this port on the target host

odouble Prob
Probability that a particular cell will be included in the report

ounsigned int Frequency
How often a report should be made

oint nTimes
The total number of start/stop time pairs

oint nTStart
The number of report start up times

oint nTStop
The number of report stop times

odouble* TStart
Array of report start times in seconds

odouble* TStop
Array of report stop times in seconds

oint* Time_Start
Array of report start times in timeticks

oint* Time_Stop
Array of report stop times in timeticks

oint reportFlag
Flags indicating which report version to use (only affects binary reports)

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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