struct T_SYNAPSE

Intermediate Synapse.

general information about this object
[more]long Seed
Random number generator seed
[more]char* SfdName
Type of Synapse Facil/Depress (SFD) to use in this synapse
[more]char* LearnName
Type of Synapse Learning to use in this synapse
[more]char* DataName
Type of Synapse Datea to use in this synapse (no longer required)
[more]char* PsgName
Type of Synaptic Waveform (PSG) to use in this synapse
[more]char* AugmentationName
Type of Synaptic Augmentation to use in this synapse (optional)
[more]int SfdIdx
index of appropriate T_SYN_FD object (Previously called RSEType)
[more]int LearnIdx
index of appropriate T_SYN_LEARN object
[more]int DataIdx
index of appropriate T_SYNDATA object
[more]int PsgIdx
index of appropriate T_SYNPSG object
[more]int AugmentationIdx
index of appropriate T_SYNAUGMENTATION object
[more]double USE[2]
Initial USE value
[more]double MaxG[2]
The maximum synaptic conductance, formerly handled by T_SYNDATA
[more]double SynDelay[2]
The time delay for synaptic activity, formerly handled by T_SYNDATA
[more]double SynRever[2]
Synaptic Reversal, formerly handled by T_SYNDATA
[more]double InitDeltaT[2]
Projected time since the last spike
[more]double InitRSE[2]
Initial value of the synapse RSE value


Intermediate Synapse. When the input file is read in, the types of synapse sub-objects to use are read in. During conversion, the index number of the corresponding object (T_SYNLEARN, T_SYNDATA, T_SYN_FD, T_SYNPSG) will be saved. The T_SYNDATA object no longer needs to be included since its data members have been added to this T_SYNAPSE object directly
general information about this object

olong Seed
Random number generator seed

ochar* SfdName
Type of Synapse Facil/Depress (SFD) to use in this synapse

ochar* LearnName
Type of Synapse Learning to use in this synapse

ochar* DataName
Type of Synapse Datea to use in this synapse (no longer required)

ochar* PsgName
Type of Synaptic Waveform (PSG) to use in this synapse

ochar* AugmentationName
Type of Synaptic Augmentation to use in this synapse (optional)

oint SfdIdx
index of appropriate T_SYN_FD object (Previously called RSEType)

oint LearnIdx
index of appropriate T_SYN_LEARN object

oint DataIdx
index of appropriate T_SYNDATA object

oint PsgIdx
index of appropriate T_SYNPSG object

oint AugmentationIdx
index of appropriate T_SYNAUGMENTATION object

odouble USE[2]
Initial USE value

odouble MaxG[2]
The maximum synaptic conductance, formerly handled by T_SYNDATA

odouble SynDelay[2]
The time delay for synaptic activity, formerly handled by T_SYNDATA

odouble SynRever[2]
Synaptic Reversal, formerly handled by T_SYNDATA

odouble InitDeltaT[2]
Projected time since the last spike

odouble InitRSE[2]
Initial value of the synapse RSE value

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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