Intermediate aynaptic augmentation object.

general information about this object
[more]double Augmentation_init[2]
Initial Augmentation value
[more]double CA_init[2]
Initial Calium concentration
[more]double CA_tau[2]
Calcium decay time constant
[more]double MaxSA[2]
Maximum augmentation
[more]double CA_decay[2]
Decay property to shorten CA tau when CA concentrations are high
[more]double CA_increment[2]
Calcium increment per incoming spike
[more]double Alpha[2]
alpha value impacts calcium increment - necessary?
[more]double Augmentation_tau[2]
Augmentation decay time constant
[more]double SA_delay[2]
Time delay before Calcium can affect augmentation (typ 5 sec)


Intermediate aynaptic augmentation object. This allows synapses to have an optional dependance on calcium concentrations to affect facilitation
general information about this object

odouble Augmentation_init[2]
Initial Augmentation value

odouble CA_init[2]
Initial Calium concentration

odouble CA_tau[2]
Calcium decay time constant

odouble MaxSA[2]
Maximum augmentation

odouble CA_decay[2]
Decay property to shorten CA tau when CA concentrations are high

odouble CA_increment[2]
Calcium increment per incoming spike

odouble Alpha[2]
alpha value impacts calcium increment - necessary?

odouble Augmentation_tau[2]
Augmentation decay time constant

odouble SA_delay[2]
Time delay before Calcium can affect augmentation (typ 5 sec)

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