struct T_SYN_FD

Intermediate Synapse Facil/Depr object.

Genral Information about this object
[more]long Seed
Random Number Generator Seed
[more]int SFD
Integer code representing the type of FD - NONE, DEPR, FACIL, BOTH
[more]double Facil_Tau[2]
Time constant for facilitation
[more]double Depr_Tau[2]
Time constant for depression


Intermediate Synapse Facil/Depr object. Previously called T_SYNRSE.
Genral Information about this object

olong Seed
Random Number Generator Seed

oint SFD
Integer code representing the type of FD - NONE, DEPR, FACIL, BOTH

odouble Facil_Tau[2]
Time constant for facilitation

odouble Depr_Tau[2]
Time constant for depression

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