CVL Group Meetings/ Presentations
Sreevatsan Raman
from CVL presents on 11/04/2005 at 4:00 pm. Title:
Geometric Approach to Segmentation and Protien Localization in Cell
cultured Assays.
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CVL Group Meetings/ Presentations
Dr. Junxian Wang
from CVL presents on 10/21/2005 at 2:30 pm. Title:
Overtaking Vehicle Detection Using Dynamic and Quasi- Static
Background Modeling
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CVL Group Meetings/ Presentations
Ali Reza Tavakkoli from CVL presents on 10/07/2005 at 2:30 pm. Title:
Automatic Statistical Background Modeling for Visual Surveillance
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CVL Group Meetings/ Presentations
Chang Jia from CVL presen
ts this Friday (09/23/2005) at 2:30 pm. Title:
Spatio-Temporal Stereo for Dynamic 3D Shape Reconstruction
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CVL Group Meetings/ Presentations
Tamer Uz from CVL presents this Friday (09/16/2005) at 1:00 pm. Title:
Fingerprint Matching based on Delaunay Triangulation
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CVL Group Meetings/ Presentations
CVL organizes groups meetings and presentations starting from Friday, 09/09/2005. Our first presenter is Leandro Loss. Title:
Figure-Ground Discrimination by Means of Perceptual Eigen
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Party (10/22/2005)
We had an excellent Chinese food party. We would like to thank to Dr. Michael Su and his wife Joan Chang for their great hospitality and the outstanding food.
are some moments from the party.
Seminar on Thursday, March 3, 2005
Dr. Mark Wessinger from Department of Psychology, UNR will give a seminar on "Multimodal Investigations of Perceptual and Conceptual Processing" on Thursday, March 3 at 4:00pm in MS 321.
Seminar on Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Dr. Jeffrey B. Mulligan from NASA Ames Research Center will give a seminar on the Collection of Gaze Data in Operational Environments on Wednesday, February 23 at 12:00pm in MSS 216.
Seminar on Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Dr. Krzysztof Podgorski from Department of Mathematics and Statistic, UNR will give a seminar on Monte Carlo Inverse on Tuesday, February 22 at 4:00pm in SEM234.
New Students Join CVL in Fall 2005
Two new Ph.D. students have joined CVL this Fall,
Bing Dong Li and Chang Jia, both are from China and are working with with Dr. Mircea Nicolescu.
Welcome to our group!
New Students Join CVL in Spring 2005
Two new Ph.D. students have joined CVL this Spring,
Alireza Tavakkoli and Gholamreza Amayeh, both from Iran.
Alireza will be working with Dr. Mircea Nicolescu, while Gholamreza will be working with Dr. Bebis.
Welcome to our group!
Seminar on Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Dr. Alice O'Toole from The University of Texas at Dallas will give a seminar on visual representation of facial identity on Tuesday, January 1
8 at 4:00pm in WRB2025.
Seminar on Monday, October 18, 2004
Dr. Ken Tobin from Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL) will give a seminar on Monday, October 18 at 3pm
in REL 109. Dr. Tobin in the group leader of the
Image Science & Machine Vision Group at ORNL.
Seminar on Monday, September 30, 2004
Dr. Darko Koracin from DRI will give a seminar on Monday, September 30 at 3pm in REL 110. Dr. Koracin is a senior researcher in the Atmospheri
c Sciences.
New Students Join CVL in Fall 2004
Three new Ph.D. students have joined CVL this Fall,
Leandro Loss from Brazil, Zhiming Liu
from China,
and Saptarshi Mandal from India.
Welcome to our group!