class Augmentation

Provide a Synapse with additional parameters controlling facilitation.

Public Fields

[more]int lastUpdate
The last TimeStep this Augmentation object updated values (via spike arrival or reporting)
[more]double augmentation
Level of augentation provided to the parent synapse
[more]double augmentation_Tau
Decay rate of the augmentation as time progresses
[more]double Calcium
Level of Calcium Concentration in the Synapse
[more]double Calcium_Tau
Time Constant determining rate of decrease of Calcium each timestep
[more]double MaxSA
Maximum Synaptic Augmentation that can occur no matter how much Calcium exists
[more]double Calcium_TauDecay
When Calcium concentrations are high, a Decay > 0 will cause the Calsium_Tau to become shorter, so that CA will drop faster
[more]double Calcium_Increment
Amount to increment Calcium whenever a spike wave occurs on the Synapse
[more]double Alpha
Scaler value modifying Calcium increment (necessary?)
[more]deque<int> PendingCalcium
Time at which a spike arrived, so that Calcium can be incremented after a delay
[more]deque<double> CalciumForAugmentation
Calcium concentrations to be used in future Augmentation updates
[more]deque<int> PendingAugmentationFromCalcium
Time when the calcium concentrations need to be used to update Augmentation
[more]static const int CalciumDelay
Number of timesteps to delay the increment of calcium caused by a spike
[more]int augmentationDelay
Number of timesteps to delay the use of Calcium to update Augmentation

Public Methods

[more] Augmentation()
Default Constructor creates augmentation object.
[more] Augmentation( T_SYNAUGMENTATION* iAugmentation, Random* RN )
Constructor creates a synaptic augmentation object from Input file to be stored inside a synapse.
[more]double getAugmentation( int TimeStep, int deltaT )
Compute the synaptic augmentation for the timestep.
[more]void update( int TimeStep )
[more]int Save( FILE* out, int TimeStep )
Write Augmentation object to disk.
[more]void Load( FILE* in, char* nothing )
Read Augmentation object from disk.


Provide a Synapse with additional parameters controlling facilitation. Specifically intended to help represent the pre-frontal cortex area, synaptic augmentation defines Calsium properties for a synapse. These will affect facilitation of a synapse by making it able to recover faster, and spike higher than normal.
oint lastUpdate
The last TimeStep this Augmentation object updated values (via spike arrival or reporting)

odouble augmentation
Level of augentation provided to the parent synapse

odouble augmentation_Tau
Decay rate of the augmentation as time progresses

odouble Calcium
Level of Calcium Concentration in the Synapse

odouble Calcium_Tau
Time Constant determining rate of decrease of Calcium each timestep

odouble MaxSA
Maximum Synaptic Augmentation that can occur no matter how much Calcium exists

odouble Calcium_TauDecay
When Calcium concentrations are high, a Decay > 0 will cause the Calsium_Tau to become shorter, so that CA will drop faster

odouble Calcium_Increment
Amount to increment Calcium whenever a spike wave occurs on the Synapse

odouble Alpha
Scaler value modifying Calcium increment (necessary?)

odeque<int> PendingCalcium
Time at which a spike arrived, so that Calcium can be incremented after a delay

odeque<double> CalciumForAugmentation
Calcium concentrations to be used in future Augmentation updates

odeque<int> PendingAugmentationFromCalcium
Time when the calcium concentrations need to be used to update Augmentation

ostatic const int CalciumDelay
Number of timesteps to delay the increment of calcium caused by a spike

oint augmentationDelay
Number of timesteps to delay the use of Calcium to update Augmentation

o Augmentation()
Default Constructor creates augmentation object. This should be used during a Brain load, so that the structure is created, and then the member data can be filled by a call to the load function

o Augmentation( T_SYNAUGMENTATION* iAugmentation, Random* RN )
Constructor creates a synaptic augmentation object from Input file to be stored inside a synapse.

iAugmentation - Defining input object with parameters used to create this Augmentation object
RN - Random Number generator so that any mean/standard deviation pairs can be combined

odouble getAugmentation( int TimeStep, int deltaT )
Compute the synaptic augmentation for the timestep.

- TimeStep The current TimeStep of the simulation
deltaT - The number of timesteps that have elapsed since the previous spike
The value of Synaptic Augmentation

ovoid update( int TimeStep )

oint Save( FILE* out, int TimeStep )
Write Augmentation object to disk. Information related to timing will be written out based on time differences. For example, lastUpdate keeps track of the TimeStep when the Augmentation object wa last updated. After a load, that specific timestep would be meaningless. By storing the difference between lastUpdate and the current Timestep, that information could be used after a load.
out - Destination File
- TimeStep current TimeStep of simulation
Number of bytes written

ovoid Load( FILE* in, char* nothing )
Read Augmentation object from disk. Timing information will need to be treated as negative. For example, if the lastUpdate of the augmentation object had been at time 1234 in the last simulation, and saved at time 1434, a time of 200 was saved. After loading, TimeStep restarts at zero (0) instead of 1434, so the time of lastUpdate must be -200.
in - Source File
nothing - Character pointer to serve as place holder (may not be used)

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