class Cell

The Cell object is simply a container for the compartments that make up the cell.

Public Fields

[more]int CellID
The identifier of the cell on this machine: 0nCells - 1.
[more]int idx
This is index into the ARRAYS struct of the definition from which this object was created
[more]int nCompartments
Number of compartments that compose this cell
[more]Compartment** Compartments
Array of pointers to this cell's compartments

Public Methods

[more]int Save(FILE* out)
Write cell Data to a file.
[more]int SaveConnections( vector <Synapse* > &collection, int targetNode )
Finish writing cell data to a file.
[more]void Load(FILE* in, char* nothing)
Load Cell data from a file.
[more]void LoadConnections( deque<Synapse* > &collection, int targetNode )
Finish loading cell data.


The Cell object is simply a container for the compartments that make up the cell. It just holds a list of those compartments, and loops through them at each timestep.
oint CellID
The identifier of the cell on this machine: 0nCells - 1. Node & CellID form a unique identifier

oint idx
This is index into the ARRAYS struct of the definition from which this object was created

oint nCompartments
Number of compartments that compose this cell

oCompartment** Compartments
Array of pointers to this cell's compartments

oint Save(FILE* out)
Write cell Data to a file. This is only the first half of the save since connection info between compartments must be saved later. This function saves data about the individual cell and its compartments as well as synapse data.

oint SaveConnections( vector <Synapse* > &collection, int targetNode )
Finish writing cell data to a file. This is the second half of saving cell data. It is called after all individual cell and compartments have been written. This is important to the loading of a brain state since memory addresses will need to be assigned and that cannot be done until all memory has been allocated.
out - File pointer to destination
number of bytes written

ovoid Load(FILE* in, char* nothing)
Load Cell data from a file. This is only the first half of loading since connection info for this cell cannot be loaded until all cells have been loaded.
in - input file stream
nothing - dummy string for moving pointers to

ovoid LoadConnections( deque<Synapse* > &collection, int targetNode )
Finish loading cell data. This function is called after all initial cell data has been loaded. This is important because the connection data this function loads cannot be used until all memory has been allocated. With all objects allocated, pointers to synapse memory addresses can be properly assigned
collection - STL queue with synapse memory addresses.
targetNode - the Node ID which the synapse memory addresses are from

This class has no child classes.

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