class Synapse

The Synapse object is the receiving end of a connection between cells.

Public Fields

[more]Compartment* Cmp
Pointer to the Compartment that owns this synapse
[more]int PreviousSpikeTime
TimeStep when this synapse last had a spike
[more]Augmentation* synAugmentation
If synaptic augmentation is activated, allocate an augmentation object

Public Methods

[more] Synapse()
Default constructor
[more] Synapse(SynapseDef* SYNDEF, Compartment* CMP, Random* RN)
Primary Constructor used when building brain from input file.
[more] ~Synapse()
Destructor, notifies memory tracker that resources have been freed
[more]void ReceiveMsg(int TimeStep)
Receive an incoming spike from another cell.
[more]void DoPositiveLearning(int TimeStep)
Whenever the parent cmp fires, this function checks to see if the synapse received an incoming spike message within the positive learning window.
[more]int Save( FILE* out )
Write Synaptic data to a file.
[more]void Load( FILE* in, char* nothing )
Load Synaptic data from a file.
[more]int getID()
Function to compute the ID of this synapse by calculating the offset from the front of the array.

Public Members

[more] ID of this Synapse within the compartment (0n)


The Synapse object is the receiving end of a connection between cells. Owned by some compartment within the cell, it is called to do processing whenever it receives a message from the sending side. That processing includes placing it on the compartment's active list, where it contributes to the compartment voltage as specified by the PSG template & factors, and does learning &c.
o ID of this Synapse within the compartment (0n)
ID of this Synapse within the compartment (0n)

oCompartment* Cmp
Pointer to the Compartment that owns this synapse

oint PreviousSpikeTime
TimeStep when this synapse last had a spike

oAugmentation* synAugmentation
If synaptic augmentation is activated, allocate an augmentation object

o Synapse()
Default constructor

o Synapse(SynapseDef* SYNDEF, Compartment* CMP, Random* RN)
Primary Constructor used when building brain from input file.

SYNDEF - pointer to auxillary synase data. Learning, PSG, FD.
CMP - pointer to parent Compartment object
RN - pointer to random number generator

o ~Synapse()
Destructor, notifies memory tracker that resources have been freed

ovoid ReceiveMsg(int TimeStep)
Receive an incoming spike from another cell. Called by the parent cmp when it receives a SPIKE message. Computes a modification factor for the generic spike template according to various internal values and updates spike time histories.

- TimeStep iteration of Brain::DoThink

ovoid DoPositiveLearning(int TimeStep)
Whenever the parent cmp fires, this function checks to see if the synapse received an incoming spike message within the positive learning window. (In other words, whether this synapse contributed to the firing. If so, the USE value is modified according to the value in the learning table for the interval. This function is only called if the synapse was declared as using positive learning in the input file

- TimeStep iteration of Brain::DoThink

oint Save( FILE* out )
Write Synaptic data to a file. Called by Compartment object.

out - File stream where data is sent
number of bytes written

ovoid Load( FILE* in, char* nothing )
Load Synaptic data from a file. Called by Compartment object.

in - File stream where data comes from
nothing - character string to make pointers use. Will hopefully be phased out

oint getID()
Function to compute the ID of this synapse by calculating the offset from the front of the array. This allows memory to be saved since a separate variable for the id does not need to be kept.

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