class SynapseDef

This holds the data that makes up the definition of a synapse type.

Public Fields

[more]T_SYNAPSE* source
For debugging and Reporting on Synapse properties
[more]int RSEType
[more]double* TauDepr
These are pointers to [mean, stdev]
[more]int PSGLen
Length of IPSG or EPSG waveform template
[more]double* PSGTemplate
Pointer to IPSG or EPSG waveform template
[more]float MaxG[2]
Maximum Conductance
[more]bool LearnPos
Flag to indicate whether this synapse should receive Positive Hebbian learning
[more]int nPosLearn
Number of entries in the positive learning table
[more]double* PosLearnTable
Positive learning table.
[more]bool LearnNeg
Flag to indicate whether this synapse should recieve Negative Hebbian learning
[more]int nNegLearn
Number of entries in the negative learning table
[more]double* NegLearnTable
Negative learning table.

Public Methods

[more] SynapseDef()
Default Constructor.
[more] SynapseDef(T_SYNAPSE* iSyn, ARRAYS* AR)
Primary constructor
[more] ~SynapseDef()
Destructor, notifies memory tracker that resourced have been freed
[more]int SetLearning( int code )
Set the learning mode of the synapse
[more]int Save( FILE* out )
Write SynapseDef to file.
[more]void Load( FILE* in, char* nothing )
Read SynapseDef from file.
[more]int getID()
Determines where this Synapse Definition appears in TheBrain's list of SynapseDefs.


This holds the data that makes up the definition of a synapse type. It includes much of what was in the old SynapseRSE, SynapsePSG, and SynapseLearning objects, as well as some info from the synapse itself. Basically, everything that is the same across some type of synapse is included (or pointed to from) here, in order to minimize the size of individual synapses.
oT_SYNAPSE* source
For debugging and Reporting on Synapse properties

oint RSEType

odouble* TauDepr
These are pointers to [mean, stdev]

oint PSGLen
Length of IPSG or EPSG waveform template

odouble* PSGTemplate
Pointer to IPSG or EPSG waveform template

ofloat MaxG[2]
Maximum Conductance

obool LearnPos
Flag to indicate whether this synapse should receive Positive Hebbian learning

oint nPosLearn
Number of entries in the positive learning table

odouble* PosLearnTable
Positive learning table. Depending on conditions, a particular index is used

obool LearnNeg
Flag to indicate whether this synapse should recieve Negative Hebbian learning

oint nNegLearn
Number of entries in the negative learning table

odouble* NegLearnTable
Negative learning table. Depending on conditions, a particular index is used

o SynapseDef()
Default Constructor. Used when creating an empty structure for Load op

o SynapseDef(T_SYNAPSE* iSyn, ARRAYS* AR)
Primary constructor
iSyn - Intermediate object generated from input containing synapse template
- AR User input data in parsed and structured format

o ~SynapseDef()
Destructor, notifies memory tracker that resourced have been freed

oint SetLearning( int code )
Set the learning mode of the synapse
code - The type of learning this synapse will now use: 0 = NONE, 1 = +HEBBIAN, 2 = -HEBBIAN, 3 = BOTH
0 on success, -1 on failure

oint Save( FILE* out )
Write SynapseDef to file. An important note is that the class variable MaxG can be either a float or a double depending on the compiler options turned on at the time of compile. Therefore, if the version that saves MaxG uses the float format, then the version that loads MaxG must also use the float format.
out - file stream to write data
number of bytes written

ovoid Load( FILE* in, char* nothing )
Read SynapseDef from file. An important note is that the class variable MaxG can be either a float or a double depending on the compiler options turned on at the time of compile. Therefore, if the version that saves MaxG uses the float format, then the version that loads MaxG must also use the float format.
in - file stream to read data from
nothing - dummy pointer to use - will hopefully be removed later

oint getID()
Determines where this Synapse Definition appears in TheBrain's list of SynapseDefs. Created to assist in Saving/Loading the Brain state.
index into TheBrain->SynapseDefs (0..nDefs-1)

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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