struct ARRAYS

Structure to hold pointers to data created from input file.

[more]int LayerCount
Total number of layers in the running brain
[more]int CellCount
The total number of cells that will be created in the running brain
[more]int ClusterCount
The number of cell clusters
[more]int CmpCount
Number of compartments that will be created when the brain is instantiated
[more]int ChanCount
Number of channels that will be created when the brain is instantiated
[more]T_BRAIN* Brain
Brain structure.
[more]int nCsh
The number of column shells
[more]T_CSHELL** Csh
Array of pointers to Column Shell objects
[more]int nColumns
The number of columns
[more]T_COLUMN** Columns
Array of pointers to column objects
[more]int nLsh
The number of layer shells
[more]T_LSHELL** Lsh
Array of pointers to Layer Shell objects
[more]int nLayers
The number of layers
[more]T_LAYER** Layers
Array of pointers to Layer objects
[more]int nCells
The number of Cells
[more]T_CELL** Cells
Array of pointers to Cell objects
[more]int nCmp
Number of compartments
[more]T_CMP** Cmp
Array of pointers to Compartment objects
[more]int nChannel
Number of channels
[more]T_CHANNEL** Channel
Array of pointers to Channel objects
[more]int nSynapse
Number of Synapses
[more]T_SYNAPSE** Synapse
Array of pointers to synapse objects
[more]int nSynLearn
Number of Synaptic learning objects
[more]T_SYNLEARN** SynLearn
Array of pointers to synaptic learning objects
[more]int nSynFD
Number of synaptic facil/depr objects
[more]T_SYN_FD** SynFD
Array of pointers to synaptic facil/depr objects
[more]int nSynPSG
Number of synaptic waveforms
[more]T_SYNPSG** SynPSG
Array of pointers to synaptic waveform objects
[more]int nSynData
number of synapse data objects
[more]T_SYNDATA** SynData
Array of pointers to synaptic data objects
[more]int nSynAugmentation
number of synapse augmentation objects
[more]T_SYNAUGMENTATION** SynAugmentation
Array of pointers to synaptic augmentation objects
[more]int nSpike
number of spike shapes
[more]T_SPIKE** Spike
Array of pointers to spike shape objects
[more]int nStimulus
Number of stimulus
[more]T_STIMULUS** Stimulus
Array of pointers to stimulus objects
[more]int nStInject
number of stimulus injects
[more]T_STINJECT** StInject
Array of pointers to stim inject objects
[more]int nReports
number of reports
[more]T_REPORT** Reports
Array of pointers to report objects


Structure to hold pointers to data created from input file. Data is the result of conversion done by InitStruct.h This final structure is what will be returned to the NCS main function

When data is ready to be put into this ARRAYS object, it will be in linked list form During conversion, arrays will be made and pointers to the original object will be put into those arrays. This will allow for the objects to be accessed using subscript notation

oint LayerCount
Total number of layers in the running brain

oint CellCount
The total number of cells that will be created in the running brain

oint ClusterCount
The number of cell clusters

oint CmpCount
Number of compartments that will be created when the brain is instantiated

oint ChanCount
Number of channels that will be created when the brain is instantiated

oT_BRAIN* Brain
Brain structure. There can be only one Brain object defined in an input file.

oint nCsh
The number of column shells

Array of pointers to Column Shell objects

oint nColumns
The number of columns

oT_COLUMN** Columns
Array of pointers to column objects

oint nLsh
The number of layer shells

Array of pointers to Layer Shell objects

oint nLayers
The number of layers

oT_LAYER** Layers
Array of pointers to Layer objects

oint nCells
The number of Cells

oT_CELL** Cells
Array of pointers to Cell objects

oint nCmp
Number of compartments

oT_CMP** Cmp
Array of pointers to Compartment objects

oint nChannel
Number of channels

oT_CHANNEL** Channel
Array of pointers to Channel objects

oint nSynapse
Number of Synapses

oT_SYNAPSE** Synapse
Array of pointers to synapse objects

oint nSynLearn
Number of Synaptic learning objects

oT_SYNLEARN** SynLearn
Array of pointers to synaptic learning objects

oint nSynFD
Number of synaptic facil/depr objects

Array of pointers to synaptic facil/depr objects

oint nSynPSG
Number of synaptic waveforms

Array of pointers to synaptic waveform objects

oint nSynData
number of synapse data objects

oT_SYNDATA** SynData
Array of pointers to synaptic data objects

oint nSynAugmentation
number of synapse augmentation objects

oT_SYNAUGMENTATION** SynAugmentation
Array of pointers to synaptic augmentation objects

oint nSpike
number of spike shapes

oT_SPIKE** Spike
Array of pointers to spike shape objects

oint nStimulus
Number of stimulus

oT_STIMULUS** Stimulus
Array of pointers to stimulus objects

oint nStInject
number of stimulus injects

oT_STINJECT** StInject
Array of pointers to stim inject objects

oint nReports
number of reports

oT_REPORT** Reports
Array of pointers to report objects

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