struct T_BRAIN

Intermediate Brain Object.

General information about the structure
[more]char* job
string containing a prefix for any files generated by the simulator
[more]char* distribute
distribution algorithm to be used by the simulator for load balancing
[more]int ConnectRpt
new variable from ncs5
[more]int SpikeRpt
new variable from ncs5
[more]double Duration
The amount of time being simulated specified in seconds
[more]int FSV
Frequency Sampling Value.
[more]long Seed
Random Seed
[more]int nColumns
The number of columns declared in the simulation
[more]LIST* ColumnNames
Linked List of the column names lared wihin the Brain block
[more]int* Columns
array of indexes which refer to the T_COLUMN objects used within the brain
[more]int nStInject
The number of stimulus injects declared within the Brain block
[more]LIST* StInjNames
Linked List of the stimulus inject names &c
[more]int* StInject
array of indexes which refer to the T_STINJECT objects
[more]int nReports
The number of reports declared within the Brain block
[more]LIST* ReportNames
Linked List of report names
[more]int* Reports
array of indexes which refer to the T_REPORT ojects
[more]int nConnect
The number of connections declared
[more]T_CONNECT* CnList
Linked List of connections created during input
[more]T_CONNECT** Connect
array of pointers created for random access
[more]char* savefile
filename for saving the Brain state automatically at a specified time
[more]double savetime
Time (in seconds) when the Brain state should be saved automatically
[more]char* loadfile
filename for loading the Brain state at startup
[more]int HostPort
tcp/ip port to use when establishing automatic socket connections
[more]int Port
tcp/ip port to use for receiving runtime commands
[more]char* HostName
Host location to receive runtime commands from
[more] Indicates whether sim should calculate synaptic distances
[more]int nRecurrent
number of recurrent connections
[more]T_RECURRENT* recurrentList
linked list of recurrent connections created during parsing


Intermediate Brain Object. After parsing the input, this Brain object will have a list of names for Column, Stimulus injects, and reports. NCS will look up those names to verify that a corresponding T_COLUMN, T_STINJECT, or T_REPORT exists. If not, then there is an error; otherwise, the index (ID) of that object is stored in an array within this T_BRAIN object for future reference.

As for connections, they are initially stored in a linked list during parsing. Once the number of connections is known, an array of pointers is created to refer to the elements of the list to allow for random access.

General information about the structure

ochar* job
string containing a prefix for any files generated by the simulator

ochar* distribute
distribution algorithm to be used by the simulator for load balancing

oint ConnectRpt
new variable from ncs5

oint SpikeRpt
new variable from ncs5

odouble Duration
The amount of time being simulated specified in seconds

oint FSV
Frequency Sampling Value. A second is segmented into FSV timesteps

olong Seed
Random Seed

oint nColumns
The number of columns declared in the simulation

oLIST* ColumnNames
Linked List of the column names lared wihin the Brain block

oint* Columns
array of indexes which refer to the T_COLUMN objects used within the brain

oint nStInject
The number of stimulus injects declared within the Brain block

oLIST* StInjNames
Linked List of the stimulus inject names &c

oint* StInject
array of indexes which refer to the T_STINJECT objects

oint nReports
The number of reports declared within the Brain block

oLIST* ReportNames
Linked List of report names

oint* Reports
array of indexes which refer to the T_REPORT ojects

oint nConnect
The number of connections declared

Linked List of connections created during input

oT_CONNECT** Connect
array of pointers created for random access

ochar* savefile
filename for saving the Brain state automatically at a specified time

odouble savetime
Time (in seconds) when the Brain state should be saved automatically

ochar* loadfile
filename for loading the Brain state at startup

oint HostPort
tcp/ip port to use when establishing automatic socket connections

oint Port
tcp/ip port to use for receiving runtime commands

ochar* HostName
Host location to receive runtime commands from

o Indicates whether sim should calculate synaptic distances
Indicates whether sim should calculate synaptic distances

oint nRecurrent
number of recurrent connections

oT_RECURRENT* recurrentList
linked list of recurrent connections created during parsing

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