struct T_CONNECT

Information for connections betweens columns, layers, and cells.

General information about this object
[more]char* fromColName
source column name
[more]char* fromLayName
source layer name
[more]char* fromCellName
source cell name
[more]char* fromCmpName
source compartment name
[more]char* toColName
destination column name
[more]char* toLayName
destination layer name
[more]char* toCellName
destination cell name
[more]char* toCmpName
destination compartment name
[more]char* SynName
synapse name to use for connection
[more]int FromCol
index of source compartment; refers to appropriate T_COLUMN object
[more]int FromLay
index of source layer; refers to appropriate T_LAYER object
[more]int FromCell
index of source cell; refers to appropriate T_CELL object
[more]int FromCmp
index of source compartment; refers to appropriate T_COMPARTMENT object
[more]int ToCol
index of destination column; refers to appropriate T_COLUMN object
[more]int ToLay
index of destination layer; refers to appropriate T_LAYER object
[more]int ToCell
index of destination cell; refers to appropriate T_CELL object
[more]int ToCmp
index of destination compartment; refers to appropriate T_COMPARTMENT object
[more]int SynType
index of synapse to use for connection; refers to appropriate T_SYNAPSE object
[more]double speed
speed of connection.
[more]double Prob
probability of connection between the source and destination.
[more]double step
When probability of connection should be modified by distance between the cells, this auxillary value is used in an exponential function to determine the decay of the probability as the distance grows
[more]double delay[2]
Once all input data is read, a minimum and maximum expected delay can be computed.
[more]double recurrentProbability[2]
This connection is responsible for ensuring that recurrent connections are made back to the source cell/cmp
[more]struct T_CONNECT *recurrentConnection
for recurrent connections: pointer to the other connection, to access information
[more]int disabled
When a recurrent connection is defined, it chooses one T_CONNECT object to use and disables the other


Information for connections betweens columns, layers, and cells. The same structure is used to avoid duplication.
General information about this object

ochar* fromColName
source column name

ochar* fromLayName
source layer name

ochar* fromCellName
source cell name

ochar* fromCmpName
source compartment name

ochar* toColName
destination column name

ochar* toLayName
destination layer name

ochar* toCellName
destination cell name

ochar* toCmpName
destination compartment name

ochar* SynName
synapse name to use for connection

oint FromCol
index of source compartment; refers to appropriate T_COLUMN object

oint FromLay
index of source layer; refers to appropriate T_LAYER object

oint FromCell
index of source cell; refers to appropriate T_CELL object

oint FromCmp
index of source compartment; refers to appropriate T_COMPARTMENT object

oint ToCol
index of destination column; refers to appropriate T_COLUMN object

oint ToLay
index of destination layer; refers to appropriate T_LAYER object

oint ToCell
index of destination cell; refers to appropriate T_CELL object

oint ToCmp
index of destination compartment; refers to appropriate T_COMPARTMENT object

oint SynType
index of synapse to use for connection; refers to appropriate T_SYNAPSE object

odouble speed
speed of connection. Expected units are millimeters per millisecond (mm/ms)

odouble Prob
probability of connection between the source and destination. Expects values from 0 through 1

odouble step
When probability of connection should be modified by distance between the cells, this auxillary value is used in an exponential function to determine the decay of the probability as the distance grows

odouble delay[2]
Once all input data is read, a minimum and maximum expected delay can be computed. - eliminate this

odouble recurrentProbability[2]
This connection is responsible for ensuring that recurrent connections are made back to the source cell/cmp

ostruct T_CONNECT *recurrentConnection
for recurrent connections: pointer to the other connection, to access information

oint disabled
When a recurrent connection is defined, it chooses one T_CONNECT object to use and disables the other

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