struct T_CELL

Intermediate structure for brain cell.

general information
[more]int nCmp
number of compartments defined in this cell
[more]LIST* CmpNames
linked list structure holding information on compartments that will make up this cell
[more]char** Labels
array of unique labels assigned to the resulting compartments created from templates
[more]int* Cmp
array of indexes into the compartment template array
[more]double* Xpos
array of x coordinates for each compartment
[more]double* Ypos
array of y coordinates for each compartment
[more]double* Zpos
array of z coordinates for each compartment
[more]double* Rpos
array of R values - not used but kept to for compatability for now
[more]int nConnect
The number of compartment connections within the cell
[more]T_CMPCONNECT* CnList
Linked List of Connection objects
[more]T_CMPCONNECT** Connect
Array of Connections.
[more]T_CMPCONNECT*** forwardConn
Each compartment in this cells will have a list of connections it collects info from
[more]T_CMPCONNECT*** reverseConn
Each compartment in this cell will have a list of connections for data in reverse
[more]int* nforward
array of reverse connection counts for individual compartments
[more]int* nreverse
array of forward connection counts for individual compartments


Intermediate structure for brain cell. Contains information on compartment instances that make up this cell. Many fields in this object are filled after the input file has been completely parsed. Once all the compartments are accounted for, the linked lists are converted to arrays of pointers. These pointers point to the entries in the linked list to make random access possible whereas using only the linked list would force traversing the list to move back and forth between items.
general information

oint nCmp
number of compartments defined in this cell

oLIST* CmpNames
linked list structure holding information on compartments that will make up this cell

ochar** Labels
array of unique labels assigned to the resulting compartments created from templates

oint* Cmp
array of indexes into the compartment template array

odouble* Xpos
array of x coordinates for each compartment

odouble* Ypos
array of y coordinates for each compartment

odouble* Zpos
array of z coordinates for each compartment

odouble* Rpos
array of R values - not used but kept to for compatability for now

oint nConnect
The number of compartment connections within the cell

Linked List of Connection objects

Array of Connections. The array is built after the input file is completely parsed.

oT_CMPCONNECT*** forwardConn
Each compartment in this cells will have a list of connections it collects info from

oT_CMPCONNECT*** reverseConn
Each compartment in this cell will have a list of connections for data in reverse

oint* nforward
array of reverse connection counts for individual compartments

oint* nreverse
array of forward connection counts for individual compartments

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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