struct T_LAYER

layer object contains cells and cell connections.

general information
[more]char* shellName
The name of the layer shell to use
[more]int LShell
Index refers to the appropriate T_LSHELL object
[more]int nCellTypes
number of different cell types to place in this layer object
[more]LIST* CellNames
Linked list of cell names created during parsing
[more]int* CellTypes
Array of indexes corresponding to the requested cell types; built after parsing
[more]int* CellQty
Array of cell quantities; built after parsing
[more]int nConnect
number of connections between cells
[more]T_CONNECT* CnList
linked list of connectioins created during parsing
[more]T_CONNECT** Connect
Array of pointers to the connections built after parsing to allow for random access
[more]int nRecurrent
number of recurrent connections
[more]T_RECURRENT* recurrentList
linked list of recurrent connections created during parsing
[more]int recurrentHandled
flag to indicate this layer's recurrent connections have been handled (comes into play when a layer is reused in different columns)


layer object contains cells and cell connections. Cells are read in as a linked list during parsing. Once all cells are known, The names are looked up. If a name is not defined, there is an error; otherwise, an array of indexes is made which reference the corresponding cell objects. A separete array containing cell quantities is also created after parsing for faster look up.

As for connections, during parsing, they are placed in a linked list. After all connections are known, an array of pointers is made to allow for random access.

general information

ochar* shellName
The name of the layer shell to use

oint LShell
Index refers to the appropriate T_LSHELL object

oint nCellTypes
number of different cell types to place in this layer object

oLIST* CellNames
Linked list of cell names created during parsing

oint* CellTypes
Array of indexes corresponding to the requested cell types; built after parsing

oint* CellQty
Array of cell quantities; built after parsing

oint nConnect
number of connections between cells

linked list of connectioins created during parsing

oT_CONNECT** Connect
Array of pointers to the connections built after parsing to allow for random access

oint nRecurrent
number of recurrent connections

oT_RECURRENT* recurrentList
linked list of recurrent connections created during parsing

oint recurrentHandled
flag to indicate this layer's recurrent connections have been handled (comes into play when a layer is reused in different columns)

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