class Report

This module handles the gathering of data for a particular report into a buffer.

Public Fields

[more]int idx
Index into ARRAYS struct where this report is defined
[more]Report* next
Linked list pointer to next Report object
[more]Report* prev
Linked list pointer to previous Report object
[more]Output* Out
Pointer to Output Object used to handle the actual writing of data
[more]int ReportOn
Integer Code indicating what this report reports
[more]int family
A sub-code for Channel Reports
[more]bool Opened
True if the report file has been opened
[more]bool Started
True if not start first interval of a report period
[more]int iTime
Index of the active Report time interval (ie.
[more]int nTimes
Number of time intervals
[more]int* TStart
Array of report start times
[more]int* TStop
Array of report stop times
[more]int Freq
A report is made every Freq timesteps
[more]int FreqCounter
Helper variable to keep track of how many timesteps are left until next report
[more]int nThings
Number of things to report on that are on this node
[more]int ThingSize
Size of things per ID in header
[more]void** ThingList
List of pointers to things to report on
[more]void* RptBuf
buffer to which data is copied for output
[more]bool Dynamic
True if the user wants the ability to dynamically add new start/stop times to this report
[more]int currentTime
For synapse Augmentation reports so that if Augmentation has not been updated This timestep, it will update and produce an accurate look at the growth and decay of Augmentation
[more]int* synapseCounts
Array to store the number of synapses each cell owns.
[more]int reportFlag
Options activated by the user.
[more]double spikeMax
The maximum value in a compartment's spikeshape.

Public Methods

[more]void (Report::*Func)()
Pointer to appropriate reporting function
[more]void AllocateBuffer()
This function allocates the buffer where reported data is stored until it is ready to be output into a file.
[more]void GetFireCount()
Go through list of reporting cells, counting the number that have reached the peak of the spikeshape.


This module handles the gathering of data for a particular report into a buffer. The buffer is then passed to functions in Output.cpp, which take care of collecting the data from all the nodes, and outputting it to the proper destination. See explanation at end of .cpp file.
oint idx
Index into ARRAYS struct where this report is defined

oReport* next
Linked list pointer to next Report object

oReport* prev
Linked list pointer to previous Report object

oOutput* Out
Pointer to Output Object used to handle the actual writing of data

oint ReportOn
Integer Code indicating what this report reports

oint family
A sub-code for Channel Reports

obool Opened
True if the report file has been opened

obool Started
True if not start first interval of a report period

oint iTime
Index of the active Report time interval (ie. location within TStart/TStop arrays)

oint nTimes
Number of time intervals

oint* TStart
Array of report start times

oint* TStop
Array of report stop times

oint Freq
A report is made every Freq timesteps

oint FreqCounter
Helper variable to keep track of how many timesteps are left until next report

oint nThings
Number of things to report on that are on this node

oint ThingSize
Size of things per ID in header

ovoid** ThingList
List of pointers to things to report on

ovoid* RptBuf
buffer to which data is copied for output

ovoid (Report::*Func)()
Pointer to appropriate reporting function

obool Dynamic
True if the user wants the ability to dynamically add new start/stop times to this report

oint currentTime
For synapse Augmentation reports so that if Augmentation has not been updated This timestep, it will update and produce an accurate look at the growth and decay of Augmentation

oint* synapseCounts
Array to store the number of synapses each cell owns. When performing synapse reports, users may wish to average each cell's synapses into one value per cell. This array will keep track of how many elements from the ThingList need to be summed and averaged per cell.

oint reportFlag
Options activated by the user. A copy of this is stored in the Output object. Current options include: e-notation for ascii reports (1), averaging synapses (2)

odouble spikeMax
The maximum value in a compartment's spikeshape. For use in Fire Count reports, this is the peak of the spike which indeicates a compartment has fired.

ovoid AllocateBuffer()
This function allocates the buffer where reported data is stored until it is ready to be output into a file. Special cases are handled here where the number of elements in the buffer are not equal to the number of reported objects. For example, channel reports have more values than the cell count, and fire reports reduce down to one value.

ovoid GetFireCount()
Go through list of reporting cells, counting the number that have reached the peak of the spikeshape. Return only that count.

This class has no child classes.

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