Ming Li
Assistant Professor
I am going to join University of Texas Arlington in 2018 Fall. My research interests include privacy and security, crowd and social sensing, Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, and wireless networks. My research has been funded by NSF. I am an affiliated faculty of UNR Cybersecurity Center.
Openings: We are looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students who are committed to research.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno
Office: 235 Scrugham Engineering and Mines
Phone: (775) 682-6861
Email: mingli at unr.edu
[2018.03] One paper on novel user authentication for smartwatches has been accepted by ASIACCS'18 (52/310=17.0%)
[2018.03] One paper on privacy-preserving data aggregation for crowdsensing has been accepted by MobiHoc'18 (30/178=16.9%)
[2018.02] One paper on privacy-preserving auction for crowdsensing has been accepted by CNS'18
[2017.10] I was invited to serve as the Publications Chair of CNS'18
[2017.07] Research on privacy-aware mobile crowdsensing has been funded by NSF CCSS
Recent Publications
- [ASIACCS'18]
Beat-PIN: A User Authentication Mechanism for Wearable Devices Through Secret Beats
Ben Hutchins, Anudeep Reddy, Wenqiang Jin, Michael Zhou, Ming Li, and Lei Yang
- [MobiHoc'18]
Crowd-Empowered Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation for Mobile Crowdsensing
Lei Yang, Mengyuan Zhang, Shibo He, Ming Li, and Junshan Zhang
- [INFOCOM'16]
Privacy-Preserving Verifiable Data Aggregation and Analysis for Cloud-assisted Mobile Crowdsourcing
Gaoqiang Zhuo, Qi Jia, Linke Guo, Ming Li, and Pan Li
- [INFOCOM'15]
PPER: Privacy-Preserving Economic-Robust Spectrum Auction in Wireless Networks
Ming Li, Pan Li, Linke Guo, and Xiaoxia Huang
- [TMC'15]
Energy Consumption Optimization for Multihop Cognitive Cellular Networks
Ming Li, Sergio Salinas, Pan Li, Xiaoxia Huang, Yuguang Fang, and Savo Glisic
- [TPDS'14]
LocaWard: A Security and Privacy Aware Location-Based Rewarding System
Ming Li, Sergio Salinas, and Pan Li
- [ICDCS'14]
Optimal Energy Cost for Strongly Stable Multi-hop Green Cellular Networks
Weixian Liao, Ming Li, Sergio Salinas, Pan Li, and Miao Pan