Intent Recognition for Social Robots

  • Understanding intent is an important aspect of communication among people and is an essential component of the human cognitive system. This capability is particularly relevant for situations that involve collaboration among multiple agents. In particular, for collaboration between umans and robots, having the robots detect the intent of human actions enables the use of implicit communication, typical for collaborations between humans, and enhances the quality of humans' interaction with robots.
  • The goal of this project is to design an integrated system for automatic behavior modeling, which provides effective detection of intentions, before any actions have been finalized. Our approach relies on a novel formulation of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), which allows a robot to understand the intent of others by virtually assuming their place and projecting their potential intentions based on the current situation. In contrast with the standard use of HMMs, which solely model transitions between discrete states, in this work the HMMs also model the rate and direction of change for a set of relevant parameters. This approach allows the system to recognize the intent of observed actions before the action has been completed, thus enabling the system to take appropriate actions to enhance the collaboration. The system's capability to observe and analyze the current scene employs novel vision-based techniques for target detection and tracking, using a non-parametric recursive modeling approach.

Intent disambiguation from context and temporal constraints [PR2 robot collaboration on making tea]

Intent disambiguation from context and temporal constraints [Baxter robot collaboration on making tea]

Intent disambiguation from context [robot responses based on perceived intent; preparing tea]

Intent disambiguation from context [robot responses based on perceived intent; preparing salad]

Intent disambiguation from context in an activation spreading architecture [robot responses based on perceived intent]

Robot interacting with a human user based on detected intentions in a "homework" scenario

Robot interacting with a human user based on detected intentions in an "eating" scenario

Robot interacting with a human user based on detected intentions (history of past events is used as context)

  • Robot interacting with a human user based on detected intentions (history of past events is used context for disambiguation of high-level intentions) [MOV] (48.9Mb)
  • Detecting a human's intentions in a "homework" scenario [MOV] (9.8Mb)
  • Detecting a human's intentions in an "eating" scenario [MOV] (10.3Mb)
  • Robot responds to detecting a theft [MOV] (4.4Mb)
  • Robot responds to detecting a person leaving an unattended baggage [MOV] (2.4Mb)
  • Robot interacting with a human user based on detected intentions [MOV] (66.3Mb)
  • Detecting meeting, passing, following of two people; the system detects the transitions between the activities (sequence 1) [MOV] (4.6Mb)
  • Detecting meeting, passing, following of two people; the system detects the transitions between the activities (sequence 2) [MOV] (4.9Mb)
  • Understanding Intent Using an Activation Spreading Architecture, Office of Naval Research, PI (Co-PI: Mircea Nicolescu, Sushil Louis), Amount: $590,992, July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015.
  • Context-Based Intent Understanding for Autonomous Systems in Naval and Collaborative Robotics Applications, Office of Naval Research, PI (Co-PI: Mircea Nicolescu, Sushil Louis), Amount $543,280, August 1, 2009 - July 31, 2012.
  • Understanding Intent Using a Novel Hidden-Markov Representation, Office of Naval Research (ONR), PI, (Co-PI: Mircea Nicolescu), Amount: $619,584, June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2009.